Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

Lisburn Exiles Forum
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Princess Diana

Do u remember where u were that day.? It was a rainy downpour in Kilkee & we went to buy the papers. Met a friend on getting out of the car & she told us the shocking news. Of course getting a
paper was impossible so we sat all day at the T.V.? A sad end to a young life, a beautiful girl who appeared to have everything only the one thing she really wanted, a happy marriage. May she rest in peace.

Re: Princess Diana

It was a Sunday morning, herself and I were on a ship sailing from Damp on the Baltic Sea to Denmark. An elderly man was distributing leaflets and said Princess Diana was involved in a car accident. I thought he was only joking at first.

Re: Princess Diana

I too remember that Sunday morning. My oldest son had just arrived home from night shift work. I was making the breakfast and he came in and announced "Diana and Dodi are dead". I was shocked, and put on the kitchen TV.

My younger son's girlfriend at the time was staying overnight and I ran into her room, awoke her and told her the news.

Then we sat all day glued to the television and for the following week as well.

It was a tragedy which could have been written by Shakespeare.

I still feel the same today as I did then, can hardly believe it happened. Didn't get watching TV today but I know there was a tribute on. Maybe see if tonight, hope so anyway.

May beautiful and kind Diana rest in peace. She truly was the People's Princess.

Re: Princess Diana

I woke very early that Sunday morning and for some reason put the TV on and Princess Diana's picture was on the screen, then it was announced that Diana had died and so had Dodi, I woke my hubby and we sat in shock watching the television and every programme the next weeks about her.
Princess Diana was a beautiful girl with such style and with great compassion, who adored her young sons.
I think she must have had a very sad life.
The television said a while ago that she will never be remembered old, but will always be remembered.

May Princess Diana and Dodi Requiescant in pace.
