Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

Lisburn Exiles Forum
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I have all 3 Grandkids here it,s Bedlam. Max ( 16 ) will be leaving soon to meet his girlfriend and Chris and Kilian are murdering each other.

Re: Bedlam

We returned from the circus a couple of hours ago. Eight-year-old boy, three-year-old girl, their mum, my wife, and myself - driver. Had dinner, and I've been allowed a couple of glasses of wine. Wife, children and I have been into a neighbours garden to water their plants. At this precise moment both children are showing me - while I'm writing - how strong they are.

Re: Bedlam

They were using plastic weights, and eight -year-old followed that up with a display of skipping. Both are now asleep, their mum and my wife are watching Big Brother, and I'm listening to Liverpool match on radio, while searching for another world on here.

Re: Bedlam

Today, being Wednesday and grandson Kilian having spent the night here in my nuptial bed with my wife, both having banned me to " the blue bed ", ( that,s the couch in my computer room ). I, forgiving as I am had planned to take him with me to my art class. Just before we were leaving to catch the train his mum rang and asked if he would not prefer to go with her swimming, naturally he said yes. So to drown my sorrows and forget the wrongs done upon me I naturally had to call into the Pschorr Beerhall and drink a few on my way home

Re: Re: Bedlam

Dabbler, did you water your neighbour's plants AFTER the two glasses of wine?

Couldn't get on yesterday at all, thank goodness says you.

Re: Bedlam

Ann - before or after - can't remember
Despite many things on which we could never agree, I think we would have a meeting of minds here and there, so I am happy to see you around.

Donald - wise child; and I bet you weren't feeling sorry for long.
Ibiza - great in September. Becareful stepping over all those bodies on the beach at San Antonio.

Re: Bedlam

Ann / Dabbler et all
Pschorr Beerhall serves beer from wooden kegs, one of the very few who do in Munich now. Lovely , chilled and a beautiful head. Just the food there is not to my taste but who cares when the Viktualien Market surrounds it , there you can buy specialities from all over the world. We usually go into the North Sea fish shop before and partake of the young raw Matjes in a cream sauce, served with mild raw onions and fried potatoes sprinkled with caraway seeds. Matjes is Dutch translated meaning Maiden, used to describe young herrings less than 1 year old. They are served complete with tails, salted or smoked using hickory wood to enhance them. They melt in your mouth and give thirst.

Re: Re: Bedlam

Donald, after spending all day in town - hairdresser's for the full works, the library and then shopping, I'm just home.

Reading about the lovely food has made me hungry, although I did have a bite in town. At the Hillsborough Oyster Festival I'm looking forward to tasting all the different foods from various countries. The "Big" day is Saturday when the new oyster eating competition record is to be challenged. From memory, last year, the winner ate 233 oysters in 3 mins, something like that anyway. I have put the newspaper in the bin.

I've never been so that'll be a first. Another place I've never been is the Botanic Gardens in Belfast. Also, never been to St George's Market in Belfast, so this is going to be remedied shortly.

I'm going to "get a life". Don't worry, I'll not desert my friends on the Exiles.

Re: Bedlam

Hi Ann,

Good for you going to get a life, out of the kitchen.

St. George's market a great place for fish, veg, and
crafts, you may see some of the Lisburn Market stall holders there.

Go early to the Oyster Festival as it is a nightmare for parking and very big crowd, if hubby is going he will need a stick to beat the crowds away from his knees.


Re: Bedlam

Although I have since visited more exotic gardens, and indeed, have seen many exotic plants in the wild, I have always remembered my visit to the Botanic Gardens. I was about twelve years old, and was fascinated.

Re: Re: Bedlam

Hi Katie, well as regards getting out of the kitchen. Actually, I love cooking, find it very therapeutic. Put a new recipe on yeserday for Cream of Celery Soup with blue cheese. It's lovely as well. Even hubby liked it and he hates celery.

What I meant was that I was going to get out more. Thinking of joining a new writers' group in the Civic Centre. I was in a couple before and enjoyed them. However, the last one was held on a Friday afternoon and wasn't suitable. Who wants to go to class on a Fri afternoon? This was is during the week on a morning.

We also haven't been dancing which I miss very very much. Since hubby hurt his knee last October he wasn't allowed to dance nor could he. Even yet he's not able but hopefully we'll get back to Clarkes in Belfast before Christmas. It's the best, good strict tempo and proper tuition. We'll have to start all over again because you do forget the steps after a while.

I'll still be in the kitchen though. Love the cooking, just hate the clearing up afterwards. Told you I was untidy.

Re: Re: Bedlam

Hi all, must give you a laugh about visiting gardens etc. One time another couple and I visited a Butterfly House. I had never been to one. I wondered that my friend elected to wait outside, thought maybe she wanted a cig or just wished to enjoy the sunshine. Anyway, her husband, hubby and me paid and went inside I had imagined that the butterflies would be behind glass cases and we would view them that way.

Anyway, I soon realised that the bloomin' butterflies were flying about. I hate anything flying in my face, harmless though it may be. SO, armed with my programme I began swatting at these expensive species, squealing at the same time.

I ran out where my friend was in convulsions of laughter at me. She had known what was happening. I don't think I harmed any of the butterflies but I still smile when I think about it.

Hubby and the other husband disowned me.

Re: Bedlam

Going to call it a night so "goodnight all". Sleep well.

Re: Bedlam

Enjoy the 'new life' of dancing and writing!

Re: Bedlam

Hi Ann,

I know you love cooking and would'nt we all miss you out of the kitchen with all your receipes, I spend quite a bit in kitchen also, but get fed up with it now and again.


Re: Bedlam

Katie, Yes, I know what you mean about getting "fed up" in the kitchen. You can get too much of a good thing.

Dabbler, my "new" life is actually how my "old" life was, so it will be more a case of deja vu. I just got away from the writing group - the day didn't suit me and it's only now they've introduced one on another day as well as Friday. The dancing, which we've done for more years than I care to remember, has been put on hold since last October.

I also used to attend a swimming club, which was great for the craic and banter. But after 3 years, without success, and sinking to the bottom on one occasion, I gave this up.

Should have done what all the Low Roaders done and went down to The Point to learn, but I WASN'T ALLOWED.
Maybe just as well.

So, here I am, going back to what WAS.

The Way we Were, eh?

Re: Re: Bedlam

Ann sister Ann,

Since when did U not do what u were not allowed to do?

Re: Re: Re: Bedlam

When I was young, shy and scared.

Life's a tough teacher.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Bedlam


Look to the rainbow at the end, that,s where the pot of gold is waiting.

Re: Bedlam

Must do that!!

Re: Re: Bedlam


Story of your Life.

Re: Bedlam

If one has the confidence to lie flat on one's back in the water wih arms outstretched, palms down , one will NOT sink - fact!