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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Late night chat

Hi everyone, where are you all tonight? I've been busy today, although I didn't go to the Lisburn market this morning. I intended to, but, after doing breakfast and tidying up, it was such a nice day that Rachel and I, plus hubby, went into the garden. Thought to myself "What am I going to the market for - herrings?" Plus, I was tired - getting old I think. Gave them a skip this week although the season will be over soon.

Hubby is still not too mobile and is feeling frustrated at not being able to do much. Younger son had cut the two lawns but they needed strimming so he did that. After, he was in pain and men not being good patients, he was cross as well.

I took Rachel down to Tescos for a few bits and bobs plus to escape. While there, I bought a bunch of flowers (£3.99) which is good value. However, while standing at the 10 item check-out, the "flower girl" who I had been speaking to earlier, came over and said that she had reduced some of the bunches to 10p. I left Rachel standing with the trolley and rushed over to the flowers again. Having forgotten my glasses, I said to the girl, "I can't see the 10p ones", so she very cheerfully helped me pick out about 6 bunches. I had to stop at 6 because I could see that the girl on the till had finished my 10 items and was waiting. I rushed back to the queue, which was ever expanding, with my extra purchases. I felt really guilty, because the man behind me had only 4 yoghurts and an old man behind him had one purchase as well. I did apologise to them and they accepted that gracefully.

Anyway, Rachel thought it very funny, me coming racing along with 6 big bunches of flowers and took a fit of tittering, which lasted all the way home in the car. I took 4 bunches round to my daughter's, who does the same for me, and she was delighed Rachel was taking no chances and didn't get out of the car.

Came home, made dinner and Rachel assures me she's going home tomorrow night.

THEN, put on a Joan Crawford DVD "Mommie Dearest", sat down to watch that but the sound was inaudible. Hubby and son and Rachel tried everything but had to give it up as a bad job, so came in here instead. Aren't you all glad?

Re: Late night chat

Yes Ann I am glad because you made me smile, and no one is around my house as hubby is in Zimbabwe teaching at a bible college. So it might be the only smile I have today! Thanks!

Re: Late night chat

yes Ann always glad to read about your day. Isnt it great when you get reduced flowers in Tesco, my lot laugh at me as there is a garden full outside, but they look nice in the garden so I dont pick them. We have lots of flowers in the house as No2 daughter is arriving home on Saturday after a year in Reno Nevada can't wait!

Re: Late night chat

Yes always can rely on you, to keep things going.
Watched the final of the "Rose of Tralee", the New York
won it, what a beautiful girl, dark red hair,really serene, very Grace Kelly, but not blond. She was my number one as soon as I saw her, she will be the toast of New York.

Visitors from my work coming for lunch, so busy, busy, have made your soup again to let them try it.

It is a beautiful day here to day.


Re: Late night chat


I hope your husband is well and safe in Zimbabwe, I am sure Ann will keep you company with all her stories, so you won't be too lonely.


Re: Late night chat


There will be great excitment in your house this week-end with your daughter coming home. I hope the weather days as lovely as it is to-day.

I am just taking a break, from rushing around all morning.


Re: Late night chat

Hi all, thanks for the mail. Liz, why did you not go to Zimbabwe with your husband? As you know my oldest son has a friend who has lived there for many years and comes home almost every year here for the fishing. Don't know if he's coming this year, though, as the fishing is bad.

Maggi, I suppose, like me, you'll be cleaning and polishing for your daughter coming. Cooking as well. I agree, the flowers in Tescos are great value but that's the first time I've got them at 10p a bunch
and they're lovely as well.

Do you know, there was a big trolley with loads of beautiful flowers in it. One particular bunch was really unusual. That's how I got speaking to the "flower girl". I asked here where they reduced and she said that, as they were out of date, they (Tescos) weren't allowed to sell them. I then suggested that they give them away but she said they weren't allowed to do that either.

Silly, isn't it?

Beautiful day here. The 3 of us are sitting out in the garden again Rachel has yet another TV magazine and is reading away out loud - now and again I hear an expletive or "he's gay" or "he's sexy". I asked her what "sexy" meant and she said "happy". Asked her what "gay" meant and she said "nice looking". Shows you.

Just finished lunch and then just one more dinner for Rachel and she goes home tonight.

Talk to you later.

Re: Late night chat

Ann, I don't fancy going to Zim, it is very hot at the moment and Pat is busy teaching, so it is not holiday. It is also very expensive to go, I would rather give them the money as everything is so scarce. He enjoys it and goes yearly, yes I know too that it is dangerous. I get lots done while he is away and don't mind being on my own. It is however, very dull, grey, cold and poring with rain here in Cambridgeshire today. And you tell me it is a lovely day in Lisburn. I wish I was there!


Re: Late night chat

Ann - another silly thing about Tesco's and their rules ... I was meandering my way round my local Tesco's, minding my own business when there on the shelf at my eye-level (LOW ) was a pile of coins sitting on the place mats. I picked them up - £5 in 2x£2 coins and 1 x £ coin. I thought 'there's a youngster in here that's lost their money' so I took it straight to the customer services desk and handed it in and asked the lad to announce that some money had been found, so that whoever could collect it while they were still (probably) in the store. I went about my business again, buying far too much as usual, but no announcement. After I had shopped off I went back to the customer services desk. The same lad was there so I says to him 'was the money collected then?' No says he. Says I: 'Im not surprised, you didn't announce it like I asked you to'. He said that his manager told him he couldn't as lots of people would claim it was theirs. I ask you. All they had to do was ask how much - it's not as if it was a £10 or £20 note! The denomination was very recognisable. It makes you wonder doesn't it.

Re: Late night chat

Hilary, I remember you telling me some years ago, about when you were in a supermarket and couldn't find something. You saw a young man and you said to him, "Young man, have you got chickens legs?...............or do you always walk like that?" You're a cheeky customer!


Re: Late night chat

Hi, again I shall say ,try Paltalk, open up a room as Lisburn Exiles and we all can talk if you have a mike, real easy and fun, many more chat rooms available.

Re: Late night chat

Don't really want to talk to anybody Fraser, like what we are doing.


Re: Late night chat

Katie, replying here with the greatest difficulty as my screen is flashing. Has been doing this regularly recentlyWhat I meant to say earlier was that our daughter gave us her old TV, which is much larger than our old one. However, we cannot get RTE so missed the Rose of Tralee this year. Glad that someone from outside Ireland won for a change.

Re: Late night chat

Katie, how did the lunch go the other day. Did the soup go down well? Have you tried the rice meringue yet?

Re: Late night chat

The women were three girls from the school who I used to work with. The lunch turned out great, they all loved the soup, I kept them guessing what it was made off, then they had a ham salad and home made chips, (if they wanted), I had baked an apple tart, and a pavola, so they enjoyed that also we all had a good day talking about each and everything they did'nt leave until 5.45.
One of the girls has just had a operation (Breast Cancer)and is waiting for further treatment, (she is waiting weeks and weeks)and another is moving to England with her husband, to be near (2 daughters & a son) a big move as in early sixties, The other one lives here.
They all worked in the school, when the children went home, I got on great with them, so they always come to visit me a few times a year.
Sweetie got big hugs and kisses from them, coming and leaving the house, so he told them he loved that part.

The soup went down a treat.

I hav'nt made the Rice Meringue yet, but I will.


Re: Late night chat

Katie, that was some feed for your friends. Sounds lovely, though, especially the pavlova.

No wonder they enjoy coming. Sweetie, like hubby, keeps thin even with all the good cooking.

I wouldn't like to move home now, would you.?

Re: Late night chat

Zimbabwe 7600% inflation!

Re: Late night chat

Dabbler, I never was good at maths, BUT I know the cigs are cheap. Wouldn't like to live there though. Our friend, who lives in Zim, said a couple of years ago that they couldn't get even basic groceries. Bread was thousands of dollars. He has to stay there as he and his wife have a very disabled son and have respite care, etc for him, in their own home. Apparently, they couldn't get anywhere near the care here - he's VERY disabled and blind. Talk about being grateful, even with the weather.

Re: Late night chat

Hilary, sorry I didn't answer earlier about the money in Tescos. Did you find out if anyone claimed it?

Re: Late night chat

No Ann, I gave up! Never mind...
Not had any of the Royal Family round recently?

Re: Re: Late night chat

Well, Hilary, tomorrow hubby and eldest son are going fishing - they're hiring a boat as hubby can't walk too far after his op.

SO, you never know which Royal will be in the vicinity and visit my wee bungalow I'll keep you posted.

Although, I forgot, aren't they all up at Balmoral for August and September?

Re: Re: Late night chat

Liz, posted earlier but it doesn't seem to have gone through, probably my fault.

What I was asking you was about your husband's work in Zim and other places. What does he do? I know he preaches and all that but what else? Can the children speak English?. What do they eat?. What does he eat when he's there? Where does he sleep? How long does he stay. Are there other pastors there with him?. What do the people there think of him? I'm sure it's a big culture shock.

One of my sons sponsors a little girl in Nigeria and has done for many years. He gets feedback from the organisation concerned about twice a year on her progress, plus her family's, and how his money is helping the village. The money doesn't just go to her family but is shared, along with the other sponsors, amongst the whole village. He gets photographs of the little girl. She doesn't smile, probably not used to being photographed or maybe don't have much to smile about. She is a lovely little girl mind you.

I should mention that Katie's brother was a foreign missionary priest and worked abroad for a great many years. Maybe she will tell us where he was "based" and how he got to understand the language. Again, what did he eat when he was there.

On a lighter note, do yoou notice how I'm always interested in food, even when trying to talk about something sensible. I can't help it. In fact it's 12.30 and I can feel the big worm raising its head so will have to make a light lunch soon.

Except for younger son I have the whole place to myself today. Even my wee dog went fishing. Am clearing out all my make-up, throwing out the old to make room for the new, washing hair brushes, bronzer brushes, etc. I would pay someone to do this because, as you all know, I'm very untidy and don't have an organised mind. It's a job I hate and do very rarely so there's a lot of it.

Better go and make lunch.

Talk to you later.