Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

Lisburn Exiles Forum
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Hi all, didn't get to Tescos yesterday. I went down today at around 1 pm. Browsed about happily on my own - Rachel wasn't back by this time and hubby cannot walk too well. Anyway, bought carrots, which I always do, we go through a lot. Also, courgettes, sorry Donald, zucchinis, to make Courgette Soup. Avocados were half price so bought some of these. Lovely, stuffed with soft cheese or prawns. They ARE fatty but it's the good fat. Bought a low fat pate, didn't know myself there was such a thing but there you are. The aubergines were half price too so I bought these as well. Haven't a clue what I'll do with them as none of the family like moussaka, which is what I would normally use aubergines for, only for visitors I might add. Bought some goats' cheese which was fairly low fat too. I have stuffed the chicken fillets with this for dinner.

However, when I came home I discovered I have way too many carrots in the house SO tomorrow I will make the carrot soup that my friend in Rostrevor cooked us. I will also have to make the courgette soup. As I speak I'm thinking what I can do with the aubergines -look up the internet I suppose. Hubby tasted my cucumber soup today. Said it was gorgeous. Of course, I told him it was cream of potato soup. It's all in the mind.

Rachel's back and now she wants to stay here until Tuesday so no problem. She's in great form. Her parents arrived back today, came round and brought presents galore, BUT they were no incentive for Rachel to go home. In 2 weeks' time she goes with the Down's Association to Spain - she's looking forward to that.

The wolves are gathering around the table so I'd better go. Talk to you all soon. Bye


Hi Ann,
I'm back from my vacation to Ontario. I've been busy going to the gym and walking my dog Zoe. She won't let me out of her sight now I'm home. I had a lot to read, with all the chat on the forum while I was away. I also had to watch all the Coronation St shows and Eastenders which I taped while I was away.

I went to see a movie last night called "Becoming Jane". It was about Jane Austen's life before she was a famous writer though I'm not too sure how close to her real life it is. It's an excellent movie and I think you'd like it. Do you get a show called Masterpiece Theatre? I read that in January they're going to air shows on the six books that she wrote.

How long has Lisburn had Sunday shopping? In Canada the shops open at 11am or 12 noon and shut at about 6pm on a Sunday. The malls here are packed on a Sunday.

I was getting hungry reading your posting.


Your aubergines and zucchinis can be used to cook a Greek dish. Wash and slice in 6mm thick slices, fry separate in a mixture of olive oil salt, pepper and crushed garlic and serve lukewarm. Phyllis and I went to Dachau to the Beer festival yesterday. We had , Pretzel, White sausages and a litre beer, then on the way home stopped by at our favourite Greek restaurant for lunch. Our meal was served with a small 300ml bottle of Ouzo and when you pay the bill you get another shot free.


Donald, sounds delicious - will try that, but I'm the only one who will eat it However, I'm used to making things that only I like, as my family are fussy eaters, well the males are. Otherwise I'd never get to eat salads, lovely fried leeks, bay turnips, tomatoes and loads of other things, including cheese. Imagine not liking cheese.

I have tasted ouzo. Is that the liqueur that they add coffee beans to and set alight or am I thinking of another one. Anyway, I know it is potent so between that and the beer I'm sure you and your wife were in good form.


Hi Thelma,

Glad you had a nice time on your holidays,but is'nt it nice to come home again, your little dog must have missed you, my dog a Westie had to be put down a few months ago, I still miss him.

I don't think we get the Masterpiece Theatre, will look out for it, TV dreadful here at the moment, I still enjoy the soaps.

Sunday shopping, started here a lot of years ago, and like Canada the Supermarkets and Malls are packed, how times have changed. Tesco's is packed every day, its as if the shops are never going to open again, dread Christmas time. (God spare me).

Yes I do like the Lisburn chat site, but have put postings on it and I don't know what I am doing, but some don't appear, John and his son Mark have done a good job for general chat. Jim Collins site is still great, (room for both).



Thelma, when we come back from holidays our wee dog doesn't "come round" for about a week. But that's maybe because she stays with my daughter and family, so it's a home from home for her.

I haven't seen the film "Becoming Jane" although I'm nearly sure it was shown here. I would have liked it have seen it and will probably get it on DVD although I prefer the cinema, better sound and no interruptions.

We don't get that Theatre programme you were talking about.

Regarding Sunday opening, I can't be sure exactly how long it's been going on. I would guess, and no doubt someone will correct me, and thanks, but about 6 years anyway. The shops, supermarkets, etc. open at 1 pm and close again at 6 pm. Sunday seems to be a particularly busy day for Tescos. People now seem also to visit garden centres and DIY stores on Sunday as opposed to going for a drive.

The old, dead Sundays of my youth are gone, thank goodness. I remember even the parks were closed. It was a very quiet day and boring, especially if it rained. Nothing to do, no TV, no-one out playing. I think people visited each other right enough.

Talk to you later.


Hi Katie,
Yes it's not a pleasant thing to loose a beloved pet. Are you not going to get another Westie? My aunt in England always had Westies and they were all called Heather. My Zoe is a Bouvier and weighs about 100 lbs. She is a realy good guard dog and I feel safe in the houe if I'm on my own. She is patiently waiting for me to get off the computer and make her breakfast.

That happened to me before where I posted something on the other chat forum and it didn't appear. I had done a "quick reply" but should have hit "reply topic" then it becomes the next newest posting. When you do a quick reply, you are replying to a particular person's message and only they will see your note.

There is a live chat which is listed just above Forum on the site. There is never anyone on when I look in.

Sunday's are very different from when I was a kid in Lisburn. Today people seem to need another day to catch up on their shopping etc. Even I mow the lawn on a Sunday though I don't do it till the afternoon. I don't want to disturb my neighbours in case they're sleeping in.



I think I hit reply, so don't know where my postings went, I will try reply topic.

At the minute I don't want another dog, we have had dogs these past 46 years, loved them all except one who turned out to be a vicious dog, very jealous of my grandchildren, he acutaly hated them and turned on them.

Yes Sunday is just like another day here, when I was young there was nothing to do on a Sunday, my mother would'nt have done any washing on that day, but then there wer'nt any washing machines, but older people kept Sunday special. I like to be able to go out if I want to on a Sunday, even for a walk around the shops, though I don't do it very often, but it is up to each individual,though I respect others who still keep Sunday a special day. Now a days it is freedom of choice.
