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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Another wet Saturday in Lisburn

Well, another wet drizzly day again!! BUT, there's a bonus in it for me.

Hubby and eldest son, dogs in tow, are on their way as I speak to Slemish. The dogs are due a trim and the breeder lives there. I'll be rid of them all for a few hours so can get a bit of cleaning done without dogs running after the hoover, barking their heads off. OR, just as bad, trying to hoover around hubby while he watches the sport, tut-tutting at the noise. Younger son is working (God is good) so I won't have him coming round in the middle of it looking for something to eat.

It's strange how pleasure changes as you get older. Imagine just having to house to myself to clean is a source of pleasure for me. I'll put on my "dancing" records and do foxtrots, waltzes, even a bit of jive with the music at full belt - working all the time of course.

If I don't start soon, as I can imagine some of you thinking, they'll be back. Plus, of course, after the cleaning, I have to visit Tescos.

If Margaret is there today, because of the rain, I'll be wearing a short, stone coloured raincoat, probably with trousers. I'll be the gorgeous looking female and you'll notice heads turning as I pass. Seriously, my hair now is a sort of sandy blonde, not sure what colour you'd call it and I'm growing it into a kind of bob.

Just follow the queue of men and you'll find me. I hope some weirdo isn't reading this and decides to look out for me. I may change my disguise just in case.

Re: Another wet Saturday in Lisburn


Ann, watch out the sicko weirdo may be about, if so put your foot somewhere it will hurt, if I was you I would change your clothes.

If you are not back by Tuesday, I will get your hubby to look for you


Re: Another wet Saturday in Lisburn

Just back from Flea Market, bought an Egyptian swamp grass plant and another I don't know what it's called, some beetroot and 5 kilos of small spuds. Was looking for an expanding strap for a wrist watch but the person who was selling them was asking €4!!!!. Told him where to put it.
Have to open our wee Shebeen at 3.00 pm today. It's called the "Aubing Bicycle Club from 1898", a private club in a neighbour,s garden house, nicknamed " The Residenz". The members run it themselves. Beer cost €1,50 for a half liter. We "train" Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning and even have a compulsory bike trip the last Sunday in every ( summer ) month. The "President " doesn't have time to open it today and I'm his second in command! We have garden and Xmas parties , with our Ladies naturally and trips to various Cities , Dresden, Berlin and even Austria to the wine growing areas. 2 years ago we went to Prague with the surplus cash from our beer consume. You could say our motto is " Boozing for Culture "


Re: Another wet Saturday in Lisburn

Anne, Here is a wee story about two guys, one old and one young are pushing their carts around Tescos when they collide. The old guy says to the young guy “Sorry about that, I’m looking for my wife and I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going” the young guy says “That’s ok, it’s a coincidence. I’m looking for my wife too but I can’t find her” The old guy says “Maybe we can help each other, what does your wife look like? The young guy says “Well, she is 27 years old, tall, sandy blond hair, blue eyes, big boobs, nice legs and she is wearing tight white shorts” What does your wife look like? The old guy replies “Doesn’t matter- let’s look for yours. Watch out for them.


Re: Re: Another wet Saturday in Lisburn

Terry, I like it!!

Re: Another wet Saturday in Lisburn

Donald, you're probably "out for the count" now after all that beer. I asked hubby was that cheap, the price you quoted, and he said "definitely". Great that you have the weather over there for all these activities, although, watching Channel 4 news tonight about hurricanes, etc. in the Caribbean, I suppose we should be grateful that we have no extremes here.

Next week, especially Tuesday (market day) is to be good. I'll wait and see.

A wee yarn about Dresden. My late aunt Annie worked in the leave in the Barracks, if you had relatives in Germany, you were allowed an extra week to visit them. SO, my holy Aunt Annie, who was going to Omeath for 2 weeks with my mother (they loved Omeath) decided that she would pretend she was going to Germany to visit my youngest brother who was working there (for the Imperial Civil Service).

She went to the CO and asked for the extended holiday leave, after visiting a travel agent's first to see a map of Germany. He asked her what part of Germany she was visiting. She answered "Dresden", which was part of East Germany then. He look at her querously and asked her if she was sure. Annie, knowing she had made some sort of mistake, says, "I'm not sure that's the right place, it might be somewhere else".

She got her 3 weeks' leave and my mother and her went to Omeath for 2 weeks. Then she had another week at home.

She rang my brother to ask what Germany was like in case anyone asked her. He said, "Just say it's very clean", which she did. No-one knew any difference.

Re my late Aunt Annie working in the Barracks. She was employed by a Colonel and his wife, cleaning and cooking. They loved her, especially as she was so good with their children, and wanted her to move to England when they moved but she wouldn't go. Anyway, after they left, there was a bit of confusion. My aunt Annie wasn't told what to do on a Wednesday afternoon - there was a gap which no-one noticed.

SO, on Wed afternoon, she walked out of the Barracks, came to my house and took my first daughter, who was a baby, down to Lambeg Park. This went on for some time. Eventually, there was a meeting one Friday morning and her two "supervisors" asked what she did on Wed afternoon. Annie, being naive in the right way, answered, "I go home because no-one told me what to do". The supervisors looked at each other but had no answer. Annie was being honest and they realised that it was their mistake. She worked in the Barracks until she retired. Before that she worked in the Netting Dept in Hilden Mill, which she hated. She used to say, "walking over that bridge every day, my heart sank". You don't get people like Annie nowadays, God Bless her.

Re: Re: Another wet Saturday in Lisburn

I enjoyed your joke!

Re: Re: Re: Another wet Saturday in Lisburn

Thanks Thelma. Terry

Re: Another wet Saturday in Lisburn

Me too, Terry. I've already changed it slightly , and passed it on. Don't tell the missus!