Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Elvis, 30 years on

Can't go tonight without mentioning "The King". Such a great performer and entertainer. He definitely was "The King". He started a completely new music - rock 'n roll. My parents were disgusted as were most of the older generation at his swivelling hips and the "pelvis". In fact, for the younger people looking in, he wasn't allowed to be shown from the waist down as it was immoral. How things have changed.

I'll say a wee prayer for Elvis tonight as he gave a lot of people a lot of pleasure. God Bless him.

Re: Elvis, 30 years on

Hi Ann,

From one Elvis fan to another, I have to tell you Doreen and I saw "The King" live at the Niagara Falls Convention Centre Niagara Falls New York in 1975. That was one of Elvis's last tours, he was brilliant. He finished that show with "How Great Thou Art", fantastic, there will never be an entertainer like ELVIS.


Re: Elvis, 30 years on

Hi Ann & Beano,

I have just mentioned Evlis on my other post.

I remember having to show your aunt in Church Street,
how Evlis wiggled his hips, and your aunt was shocked,your cousin and I were going to the pictures to see his first film,I can even remember the frock I
wore with white shoes and of course a white hairband,
hair all flicked out, we were very young.

We came out of the pictures screaming, me more so than your cousin, I was easily carried away.


Re: Elvis, 30 years on

Beano, what a great night you and Doreen must have had the night you saw Elvis, he sure was a great
show=man, pity he died the way he did.

I still love to watch him and listen to his records/cd's, and as Ann says give great pleasure to everyone and still does.

I am watchin him on TV now.


Re: Re: Elvis, 30 years on

Katie, Is that the “Elvis Lives” concert on TV, I just watched it tonight, great entertainment, he was definitely a class act. I had a visit to Graceland a couple of years ago and couldn’t believe the number of charities and help that he gave to the less fortunate. Many still get support from his estate. He was a very kind person.


Re: Elvis, 30 years on

Terry, the programme on Elvis was called "Young Elvis in Colour",quite good, but not as good as other Elvis programmes. Still like to hear him though.
