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Absent parents

Reading in BBC Northern Ireland News that absent parents in NI cost the government almost 30 million GBP!!! per year brought to mind the old joke about a man being brought to court for non payment of child maintenance. Upon being asked by the judge how much he earned we replied, " 100 quid per week". The judge passing sentence said " I award your ex spouse 70 GBP per week". The errant father replied " Thank you your Honour, I will also try and send her a few bob every now and again when I can afford it!"

Re: Absent parents

Hi all,
I am off to Kilkenny for dental treatment for a couple of days. Grandson is working there with his father so will hear all the news later

Nice sunny intervals here, if we were up at dawn the weather is always sunny, but later the enevitable rain showers appear. Hear next week is to b good if the high pressure stays where it is for then. Have to go byye for now, Love to all,

Re: Absent parents

Och, away wi' ye Donald, y're an awful cod.

Re: Absent parents

Donald, Would you tell us about the way your life has changed in Germany as to the way it would have been if you had stayed in Lisburn. Do you speak German at home and what language do your children and grandchildren speak ? I take it they are all bilingual Margaret

Re: Re: Absent parents

Hi Donald, not wanting to be political BUT you didn't have to go through "the troubles", which is a good thing. That's just one advantage of being away. Apart from that, it's good to see how other people live.

Home is home and I still love being in Lisburn and we've come through it.

Re: Absent parents

Margaret / Ann etc
Germany changed my values and outlook on life. It taught me the system cannot work unless everyone pulls their weight. eg Newspapers are left at bus stops in a box, you take a newspaper out and put in the money, in the bus or train you stamp your prepaid ticket because if you don't the service cannot exist. Also how to consume alcohol moderately. Eg Beer is sold in the firms canteen, ( imagine that in Norniron ). In Britain the accumulation of property and wealth was in my day there the most important thing in life, by listening to some of the " aul hands " in the early 70s who survived the war I learned that you only live once. I took my overtime in time off and enjoyed the extra time with my family. Self esteem is still a very important aspect, not having to apply for state benefit and able to support yourself and your family. I had to learn that the company who employs you and pays your salary is not an enemy. I am still amazed when I visit Britain or America and see 70+ year olds still working!!!. Here most people knock off at 60 ( myself at 57 ) I owe Germany a lot and defend the system and comply to it ( mostly ). Please don't think I'm being self rightness or typical German!!! but you did ask. There is negative side also. 50% of your salary goes for tax and other deductions. You have to abide by rules and laws otherwise your neighbours, friends or colleagues may report you to the authorities but the positive side outweighs the negative

Re: Absent parents

Forgot about the lingo, Julie( 41 ) and Denise ( 40 ) speak both languages perfect, when I write a letter to the Authorities I always have it corrected by them. Denise also can change to Norniron instantly. The Bavarian dialect is also no problem to them. My wife , thanks to her supervising the kids homework has a better command of German than myself although I attended a lot of private German course paid for by my employer. Kilian, Denise's son speaks only German without a dialect as his father comes from north Germany and Denise encourages this as she thinks it will improve his chances later in life. Max and Christopher , Julie's sons , thanks to their Bavarian father and grandmother spoke as kids a very coarse Bavarian dialect, but since attending Grammar school have lost their Bavarian dialect.

Re: Absent parents

Donald, I think the system you described in Germany is quite good, if that was here the papers would be scattered all over the footpaths and they would be jumping on trains and buses without paying or would be causing havoc, though may I say a small minority.
From what we see on TV most places are out of control with young ones drinking too much.

It is great your children are bilingual,I think all children should be taught a different language in schools from an early age.

When you say 50% of wages on tax, I presume wages were much higher in Germany than over here.

My hubby's brother in-law is German though he has lived in the States 47 years, but still goes to Germany every 2 years to see friends, he and his wife were with us May this year, on their way back from Germany, as she wanted to visit with family here.

Though you seemed to have worked hard, you also seem to have a good life style overthere.


Re: Re: Absent parents

Donald, Good that you took the chance and emigrated AND that it turned out successful for you and your family.

I've never been in Germany but I do know that if Germans are known to frequent a particular resort, say Spain or Italy, you can be assured that THAT resort will be first class. They won't tolerate second class treatment.

I also notice that the women from Germany on holiday wear the most beautiful clothes - from beachwear to casual to evening clothes. Very elegant and classy. And all that rubbish about the Germans taking the sunbeds, I've never found that.

We've discovered that it's another country (not too far from here) whose rowdies do this. We actually saw a man one night (tattoos and all) carrying 4 sunloungers on his head to take back to his apartment so that he would be sure of one next day.

Did you ever watch the Fawlty Towers episode about the Germans. It was very very funny.

Re: Re: Re: Absent parents

For u all a wee quote

Travel broadens the mind.


Re: Absent parents

Hen, how right you are.
