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A little bit of Intrigue

Hi all, was in town this morning and was talking briefly to an ex-Hilden "schoolboy". See if you Hilden School ones can find out who he is from my clue.

His nickname, I believe, was Mickey and he is 3 years younger than me.

He informed me that Donald's nickname was "duck".

He mentioned some other nicknasmes but they're not relevant here.

He also mentioned the late Bobby Kingsberry's nickname was Scout.

THEN, he mentioned another person whose nickname was Sticky. My ears ******* up at this.

Does anyone know who Sticky is? Don't give it away if you do but, interessting.

Re: A little bit of Intrigue

Just feel I have to tell you this and see if you agree. It's all right if you don't - just curious.

Today is a Holy day and I attended church this morning. The church was pretty full, old people, mothers with babies and children, people attending on their lunch break, a variety let's say, all there for the worship of God.

In front of me knelt a well known middle class couple.

This little child (it just happened to be an beautiful Indian little girl of around 1 year old) was chattering in baby language, chuckling, sometimes even running up the aisle. I thought it was wonderful, the priest certainly didn't seem to notice nor did anyone else. I smiled to myself because the child was so happy, glad to be alive.

However, this stern couple, who are famous or infamous for this, began to look round, give dirty looks, shake their heads and do everything but throw the child out. THEY distracted me, the baby did not.

I can understand if a child is bored or crying or kicking the seats, making an awful din. In this case, the child does need to be removed. But this little baby was just so happy.

I thought to myself "I wonder who God is pleased with here". A lovely baby enjoying life, innocent. OR this self-righteous couple whose God appears to be an ANGRY God. Thank God my God is a happy and understanding God.

"Suffer the little children to come unto me".

You all know I'm not good living but I'm sure God prefers smiling faces to those "pious, but intolerant ones".


Re: A little bit of Intrigue

My Gran had a name for such "pious " people. She named them " Holy Water dippers ". I remember a lady from Hilden when we had to answer in Novena she would cry so loud she could have been heard in Lambeg, answering " Have mercy on us! ".
It happened to me some time ago here in Maria Eich, a church near us where an open air mass was being celebrated, I arrived with my wife ,both on bicycles not knowing a service was taking place and said something to her when a " nice " old dear hissed at us " Please show more piety! "

Re: A little bit of Intrigue

Donald, there's no-one more pious than the dead!! That's my own quotation.

Re: Re: A little bit of Intrigue

Hi Ann,

I had a similar situation at a Christmas Eve Carol service two years ago.A young boy with "Down Syndrome" was sitting in front of us and singing his head off, he knew all the words, but was completely off key and very loud. Well two people in front of him walked out and two other couples moved, what they missed was, when he turned to greet me, he just smiled and said I just love Christmas and I wish you a very happy,happy Christmas. It was a greeting I will never forget, I wonder if the people who moved enjoyed their Christmas, I know we did.
Some people do not know the meaning of the word "Tolerance".


Re: A little bit of Intrigue

Hi Beano. The people who moved didn't know what they were missing. That child was more genuine probably than the whole congregation. I cannot stand these self-righteous Christians. Their God, as I say, isn't MY God, thank God.

Re: A little bit of Intrigue

Hi Ann,

Not long in.

It definitely was'nt us as we are not famous and we were at another church.


Re: A little bit of Intrigue

Katie, I know it wasn't you. You have grandchildren of your own and are fond of children.

Re: A little bit of Intrigue

Hi Beano,

I am on late tonight.

Years when my father died, a young "Down Syndrome" lad, called at our door while coming from a shop and asked my mother could he say a prayer for my father, my mother said of course you can.
In he came, took his hat off, bowed his head, stayed for about five minutes and then shook my mother's hand and then mine. About a half hour later his mother came to our door full of apolozies, about her son coming to the house as ,his mother thought he was intruding on us. My mother told her she should be proud of him as he was a great young fellow and that it had given her great comfort,that he even thought of us in our bereavement and he so young.

I myself never forgot that.

Everyone in our area new him, he always had a smile and hello when he met you.

Thomas Mckay will know, of whom I am writing about.


Re: Re: A little bit of Intrigue

Hi Katie,

Would that have been Billy McMaster?. Down Syndrome or not Billy was a great kid.They lived next door to my Aunt Sadie in Ivan I had a lot of contact with the whole family. I'm assuming it was Billy, maybe I have the wrong person.


Re: A little bit of Intrigue

Hi Beano,

Yes it was Billy McMaster, what a great young fellow he was, alway cheerful and smiling, like us all he would be a bit older now.

Ann's, Rachel is a great young lady.

Weather here a little sunny, but showers later.


Re: A little bit of Intrigue

Hi all you Hildeners. No-one has replied to my query about nicknames Right, Donald, I'm waiting for you. You were "duck". How about all the others?

Re: A little bit of Intrigue

Sticky Sloan? Mickey = Dowling? Cappa? McArdle?

Re: A little bit of Intrigue


If your informant was three years younger than you that would make him/her at least seven years younger than me.
He/she would not have been at school with Bobby Kingsberry who was nine years older than me.

He may have known about "Scout" from the football.
Bobby's father was the original Scout and just as young Tommy Roberts inherited his his father Tommy's name(the original Lord)so the young Bobby did with his father (also Robert or Robbie as he was known).

I am fairly certain who the Sticky is, but the nickname was not a school name but one used in a very limited fashion much later in the person's teens.

I think the picture house Sticky was the "role model" and the name was given because of the strictness of the individual concerned.

I may be totally "out of the window" on this but I am not sure there is anybody around to verify or debunk my theory.

Surprisingly few of my contemporaries had nicknames as such.
"Ciggy" Magee and "Tucker " Orr are about the only ones that come readily to mind.

Chang Anderson and Horse Hamilton are two from an older generation.


Re: Re: A little bit of Intrigue

Donald, you are completely wrong on all counts.

Low Roader, at least you remember who Sticky was.

What about Mickey? He would be more around Donald's age. Maybe, as you say, the nicknames came AFTEr Hilden School.

I may reveal his name, but will ask permission first.

Re: A little bit of Intrigue

Hi Katie .
Yes i can see Billy paying his respects to your mother , that was the kind of thing he would have done.And so kind in his own mind to think of your mother at that sad time . Billy was brought up a true gentlman by his mum and dad and brothers and sisters , and taught to respect every one and every thing . Billy as i have been informed by Billy Hanna is now 63 yrs old , and living in a fold . Regarding down syndrum , my wife and i go every year to a garden centre , which employs male and female who have down syndrum . It is in Dunmurray at Seymour Hill , and the the people there are most helpfull and happy , and cannot do enough to serve the public . It s a joy to go there , and they grow everything themselves , a credit to the staff and everyone involved . Billy was a member in the past and was well liked by everyone.

All the best

Re: A little bit of Intrigue

Tommy, I've been down to that garden centre in Dunmurry too. It's great for the young adults to have employment and to socialise.

Rachel is still here, says she'll go home on Wednesday morning.

Re: A little bit of Intrigue

Hi Tom,
I thought Billy was about 62/63, a great lad, my mother was very fond of him. Does older brother live on the Dublin Road or as called now Hillsborough Road?. Is Stella, Edna and the other sister still alive? What a nice family they were as were the Walkers. Do you remember Joan Barnett?.
My friend's daughter is engaged to Andy McMaster any

Hubby and I have been to the garden centre at Seymour Hill, the young ones there are more than helpful.

I don't see Ann on, so as I have made her courgette
soup, I add a chicken stock with abour 1 pint of water (can be more or less) the soup is beautiful, I made it yesterday before lunch, I think your wife will love it as I am a vegetable soup maker also, I have made Ann's soup every week since Ann, put it on the site, I have also made Donald's tomatoe soup
very nice also.
I bought courgettes today again.

Enjoy your soup


Re: A little bit of Intrigue

Hi Katie
Yes Norman still lives in the avenue after the graveyard on the Hillsborough Rd , his son Noel still has the singing group Backerloo Junction , Stella , Edna , Olive , Stanley , are still living . Wesley the older brother died a lot of years ago. Regarding the Walker family , i met Cecil at the Lisburn Cricket grounds on my Photo walkabout , he is in charge of the greenkeeping at the club , i had not seen him for a few years . I was very friendly with his brother Percy , and we used to play table tennis in Mooneys yard on longstone street. I vaguely remember Joan Barnett .
Many thanks for info on the soup , i am looking forward to it . Us Lisburnites are fond of our food .
All the best .

Re: A little bit of Intrigue

Hi Katie

Ido not think Andy M c Master is related to the Mc Master family of Ivan Street,
By the way Church Street , Ivan Street are gone off
the Lisburn Council sreet map , The end of an era.
Take care

Re: A little bit of Intrigue


Andy's father is called Noel, of the group you have just mentioned, his grandfather lives in the Avenue you have stated past the graveyard on the Dublin Road, small world as I said before.
Joan Barnett lived in Ivan Street also, facing Beano's aunt Sadie's house.

That's why you don't remember know mmmmmmmmmmmmme.

My hubby said if you knew me, how could you ever forget me, I don't know is he being nice or sarcastic.


Re: A little bit of Intrigue

Hi Katie

Many thanks for info on my family tree . Like all big family's we do not keep in touch and everyone grow's up so quickly. Re husband's comment's think that he is being nice , and the fault is on my side having a delayed senior moment in the memory vault . Once again thanks for info on soup , i am looking forward to tasting it , as soon as i can get organised .
Take care .

Re: A little bit of Intrigue

I am being neither facetious nor patronising when I say that those of you who are visiting London shortly, and who have an intellectual or cultural interest in religions, should head for the British Musem, where a well presented exhibition is in progress.

Re: A little bit of Intrigue

I correct myself - The British Library - I've forgotten already, and I was there on Tuesday.