Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

Lisburn Exiles Forum
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For a change . Some Canadian News .

Hi everyone . For a change of pace on the Forum.

At present we have here staying with us 2 Teenagers, Ruth from Lisburn, and Scott her boyfriend who is from Dromara.

Yesterday we gave them a tour of Toronto . The Beaches areas, Both East and Westend of City,Sky Dome, C.N.Tower,Exibition Place, Ontario Place, Downtown Eaton Center,City Hall, Harbour area, and of course Yonge St. where all the action is.

Today they are Busing it to Niagara Falls on their own, which they wanted to do. I suggested to take them there but if i had taken them there today it would have been a Flying Trip. With only about 3 Hours to spend there. Not Enough time to see much.
And tomorrow they intend to take in a Blue Jay Game at the Sky Dome. Then on Wednesday they leave for home. After a 2 week Church Camp in Kirkland Lake Northern Ontario.
We have had 2 very hot months with temperatures in the mid to high 30's and a Humidex as high as 43 Degrees. Very little Rain. Send us some of that rain that Lisburn is getting. That would make the Farmers happy and even " make their things grow ".!!!!

The reasom for us not driving the 2 teeneagers to Niagara Falls today is.

Today we have 3 Aussies ariving.
They are coming across Canada by the Super Continental
Train, stopping of in the Rockies,Calgary, Jasper,etc.
Its 10 Days since they arrived in Vancouver.

The 3 Aussies are ,Norma my sister, Carol her Daughter and her Husband.Jeff.
It looks like we will be very busy in the weeks to come. Probably i will update you in the happenings if time permits it.

Lord Downshire.

Re: For a change . Some Canadian News .

Hi Lord Downshire, I'm sure your friends will be absolutely "knocked out" by Niagara Falls". Wish I was there.

Re: Re: For a change . Some Canadian News .

Sorry Ann, we would not have anymore room for you !!!

But we could hang you up on the clothes line OK.

Lord Downshire.

Re: Re: Re: For a change . Some Canadian News .

Hi Ann,

I have visitors here as well, but you would be more than welcome to fit right in.

I have been off air as my PC.went on the blink just before our long weekend. Now I will start the process of reading all the past weeks post.


I did get your much appreciated e-mail and will get a chance to reply soon.


Re: For a change . Some Canadian News .

Beano, thank you for your invitation. Some day you might eat those words!!!!

Re: For a change . Some Canadian News .

LD, I could hang quite comfortably on the clothesline and sleep there too. BUT, you would miss me when it came to a good home-cooked breakfast.

Re: Re: For a change . Some Canadian News .

Going to bed. Rachel and I are here on our own Hubby and oldest son are in bed already. Goodnight all, God Bless.

Re: Re: Re: Re: For a change . Some Canadian News .

Glad to see u back on line Beano, was wondering where u were, we miss the old reliables on the Forum.

Lord D.
U r making me think of the wonders of Canada to come for us in Sept. Hope the good weather lasts as it is raining again today here. The gardens r like the Rain forest all lush greenery, little colour even the nasturiums that usually r a blaze of autumnal colours r scarce of flowers. As they used to say in Lisburn "Great weather for ducks"

Re: For a change . Some Canadian News .

Hi Beano,

Glad to see you are back, thought you had disappeared.


Re: For a change . Some Canadian News .

Hi Lord Downshire,

I am sure your visitors had a wonderful time with you, my daughter loved her holiday in Canada and had a great time with Canadian friends on the last few days she was there.
How lucky you are to have the weather, you said you are having, we have had nothing but rain, rain, and more rain.


Re: For a change . Some Canadian News .

hi.L.D hope you slow down at some of the places you take youvisitors to i fowled you once around UK i was every where man so stop at some of sights a we while love skippie