Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

Lisburn Exiles Forum
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Josef Locke

Josef Locke - I know he lived in Lisburn, but where was he from?

Re: Josef Locke

Hi Dabbler,

Joseph Locke was from Derry/Londonderry, he married a girl who worked in Woolworth, Bow Street, she came from Wallace Avenue, just a few doors from my Aunt, they had a daughter, they divorced. He was a bit of a boy. He married a few more times,but was a great singer, he is now dead.
He was on the police here, all the older generation (older then us) of the town would have known him.
" Hear my Song" was a great favourite.


Re: Josef Locke

Thanks, Katie
I was listening to him last night, and thought he sounded Southern Irish. I once met his daughter in the 'Wee Park', when we wre children. She was/is, younger than I.
My dad enjoyed his voice, and the songs he sang, and passed the appreciation on to me.

Re: Re: Josef Locke

Joseph Locke's daughter is call Yvette McLaughlin and is well known for conducting ladies choirs.

Re: Re: Josef Locke

We were at at an Irish Guards do in York Street years ago. Joseph Locke was there singing, he was an ex Irish Guard, great night. He was sitting nearby us & was great craic very down to earth. We have nearly all of his c'd''s. Still ranks with the best. Saw him years later in Clontarf Castle in Dubin , older but his voice & personality was still as vibrant. My mother was a fan of his, we took her & my aunt that night to see him, He spoke to them of Lisburn & was interested when they said they were from there. Memories no doubt. They had a tribute to him on the Gay Byrne Show before he died,. he was the star of the show. A wild irish boy. Pat

Re: Re: Re: Josef Locke

Derriaghy also had Connections with the world renowned singer and character Joseph Locke as he had a small pig farm on the Barnfield Road and was often heard singing at the top of his voice as he drove an old cart up and down the road while attending to his pigs, one of his favourite renditions on these journeys reportedly being 'I'll take you home again Kathleen'.

Re: Josef Locke


Never knew about Joseph Locke and pig farm on Barnfield Road, but he sings the song beautifully.


Re: Re: Re: Josef Locke

My mother was a Smyth from Lambeg and my dad a Watterson from the Antrim Road in Lisburn.I remember my mum telling me that Josef Locke's wife was in the next bed to her and had a daughter in the Lagan Valley and that was in April 1943.

Re: Re: Re: Josef Locke

Norma - I know who you are!! Please e-mail me