Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Let's Dance

Felt a bit down thinking about how far away the children are SO put on Charlie Kunz C.D. & 1st tune was" U R My Sushine" so that cheered me up. Did the dusting & cleaning to the rest of the music. Opened all the doors in the cottage & walzed, quick-stepped & fox-trotted thru the work, me & Ed Harris (of course) Sprayed the anti-bacterial & the Febreze to the sound of " It,s a hap-hap-happy day," dusted to "Green Eyes," cleaned the shower ( with a toothbrush & bleach) to the strains of" Nice people " - got it done in no time, a job I hate!! I was back in John Dossor,s ( with his monocle) in High St Belfast on a Sat. afternoon..STRICT TEMPO STRICT TEMPO. In the Barn in Hilden with "I'll b with u in Apple-blossom time" & in all the familiar places dancing to "Our Love Affair" "Maybe" "U keep coming back like a song". Ed & I had a great time, the morning flew. Try it sometime when no one is around. Joe iS away this week tiling the daughters, new bathroom so I have to make my own dreams. He hates dancing anyway. I had a lovely morning with Ed so thought I would share it with you. Exhaused now, will put on some relaxing Canadian wilderness music with birdsong for the rest of the day. Pat

Re: Let's Dance

Pat, who on earth is Ed Harris?

I'd love to have seen you waltzing around the cottage with the cows looking through the window and the donkey looking over the hedge. If thon oul farmer sees you, he'll be in. Remember the 80 yr old not far away from here. I think you are all on something. Don't attempt any limbo dancing as you may never get up again and the oul farmer might have to hoist you onto his back. He would love it and that would put him off his milking for a day or two.

Re: Let's Dance


Sweetie and I were talking about going to dances years ago, I used to sneak with my friends to the "Fiesta" on a Saturday night, two of us had to go early 4.30p.m. and queue for the tickets to get in and then home for tea and out for 7.00 o'clock. I was telling sweetie that many a time I went for a drink at the beautiful bar and seating area, and on some occasions it could be a few times a night, as when asked it is not polite to refuse and I was thirsty.
Sweetie getting a bit agitatd, said how many times did u go, I caught on, and said only occasionally, but told him they served only coffee,tea, or soft drinks, (Every thing was very innocent in those
days)well up he got and said, just as well for if it had been any other drinks, you would have been drunk u went that many times. He said I should have got a part in some musical, as I must'hv heard of the word NO. (Imagine still a little jealous at his age). Pat like u I love to dance and still do.
U will be able to apply for Seven Brides and Seven Brothers,when ur local amateur dramatic society put it on in ur town,remember they cleaned, dusted, and danced.


Re: Re: Let's Dance

The cows r sitting down in the field now, they must have joined in this morning, even the wee dog is sleeping with the cats out in the sun. No danger of the old farmer, never seen a soul all day only the swallows. I don't mind during the day, keep myself company, "singing"& dancing the time away. Have to act my age when Joe comes back. I think I am an old woman with the young girl still inside waiting for a chance to spring out!!!!!

Re: Re: Let's Dance

Katie, Pat and all. I cannot understand how you, Katie, were allowed out to dances. I definitely WAS NOT. I think I may have been the only girl in Lisburn who wasn't allowed out to a dance. The only place I was allowed to go was Sammy Osborne's Dance Studio on a Thursday night, and that was probably because my late brother Malachy went there.

I think I was kept down, that's why I'm wild now. Well, no, not now, but a few years ago, when I got the chance.

Remember I told you when I was 17 about the boy asking me to go to a dance and my mother just said, "NO". End of story.

Dominic is definitely cross with me being on this computer all day.

Re: Re: Let's Dance

Those were the days. U never really appreciate being young until u r old, memories, memories. U r right about MEN, tell them nothing, they never change think we r still young & beautiful. I hate looking in a mirror these days. Where did I disappear to?? Elizabeth Taylor???? The old one maybe but certaintly not the young one these days. Would hate to ask anyone who I am like now, might get a shock!!! Pat

Re: Let's Dance


I love the line in the song "Maggie" which says "My face is a well written page Maggie"

But then there is "But my darling you will be, will be, ever young and fair to me" from Silver Threads among the gold. And I am sure that is the case with your long love.


Re: Re: Let's Dance

Did I tell u that Joe had new lens fitted to his eyes recently? I think that is what was really the trouble. Wonder what he see now?? Don't ask.

Re: Let's Dance


Weather in Lisburn today a little colder and damp.

Here's a little bit of information I thought I would share with u.
The riches person, a WOMAN, in Ireland, born in Dublin, married a Canadian,(Gael Weston who owns most of ur supermarkets, she also lives in Canada, is Hilary Weston, she is hailed as Royalty in ur country (worth nearly 3 billion euros, she came Number One in the Irish Rich list.

Will be trying to get on the rich list, this week-end Irish lotto is 16 million euros,crossed and stuck my fingers with super glue. I have so many I would have to share it with.


Re: Let's Dance

I'm dancing off to the hairdresser's soon. Have to clean the bathroom first, hubby says he'll do the bedrooms so that'll be a good thorough job done.

Youngest grandaughter is here - got a drum kit yesterday but thankfully she hasn't it with her, says it's too big to carry. Be grateful for small mercies.

Tomorrow is hubby's cartilege op. We have to be in Dungannon for 7.45 am so an early sart. You'll all get peace for one day.

May talk to you later.

Re: Let's Dance


In case I forget, all the best to ur dear hubby on
his Cartilege op to-morrow, he will need tender loving care the next few days, a little pampering will go a long, long, way (know what I mean) he'll will give u a few pounds later on to go and get yourself something, as he will be feeling sorry for u.
He'll not be doing "Knees up mother brown" for a while.

"ALL THE BEST" ?...............


Re: Re: Let's Dance

Katie, a few years ago Hilary Weston was the Govnor General of Canada,she done a lot of good work, and all her salary went to charity.She seemed one of the more decent people around that's in office.Her husband Galen Weston is the richest man in Canada.

Re: Let's Dance


I must say in the TV programme on Irelands' rich, the people of Canada seem to hold Hilary Weston in very high regard. She ownes Brown Thomas in Dublin/Cork and Selfridges in London she came over on TV as a very nice lady.


Re: Re: Let's Dance

Hi Katie,

I will start by saying our weather is still brilliant, St Catharines today is 29c going higher next 10 days.
The Weston's are certainly well "respected" here in Canada, Hilary does a lot of great charity work. His family founded the "Weston Biscuit" company.....poof look where they are now.

Did you by any chance live across from Jim and Isabel Dickey in Barrack St., also are you related to John Turley?.

Re: Let's Dance

Katie, I'm just back from the hairdresser's - a new woman. Hubby is already getting the wobblers about his op tomorrow. Wouldn't even take a glass of wine so I'll have his as well. Anyway, he and oldest son are tucking into a home made chicken tikka masala, rice and naan bread so he's not that bad.

Yes, he will need assistance over the next couple of weeks as he'll be on crutches. Any offers for gardening, walking the dogs, etc.? Gave him your best wishes and will let you know how he gets on.

Daughter and I are going with him tomorrow so there may be a bit of shopping done in Dungannon while he's "out".

Re: Let's Dance


I lived acrossfrom Jim Dickey, but down the street a bit, no I am not related to John Turley R.I.P., but knew him very well, I got him started in his first job and he was in the job for years,(in those days it was word of mouth) John was a real nice fellow he died two years ago. He learned his trade from Stanley McCurley, who was George McCurley's father, George emigrated to Australia years ago, he is also dead,he was married to a cousin of Frances Pitman,called Joanna McCaugherty from Smithfield/Tonagh. The McCaughertys' were great singers, Frankie was Joanna's brother, someone on the site a while ago, asked about Pat McCaugherty he would have been a cousin of the Smithfield/Tonagh ones.


Re: Let's Dance

When Pat Boone was in his prime, Pat McCaugherty gave a beautiful rendering of one of his. It began, 'I'll be home, my darling, please wait for me'.
Pat also sang The Green Glens Of Antrim in a voice that would have made Daniel O'Donnell envious.

Re: Let's Dance


Pat McCaugherty R.I.P. and T. J. McKeown used to harmonize all the songs together, Pat McCaugherty was Bing Crosby, Pat Boone, Perry Como, Dean Martin all in on. When Pat met u he always sang to u, a real good looking guy and always carried a comb for his black wavy hair.

" In the Blue of the Night" Boom,Boom, Boom.


Re: Let's Dance

I did not know TJ well, Katie, but you descrine Pat to a T.

Re: Let's Dance

Katie, did you know ginger haired Derek Bell from Antrim Street? He used to have something to do with many little local concerts, and liked doing a 'barbershop' type singsong.

Re: Let's Dance


Forgot, about Derek Bell from Antrim Street, he use to run around with Pat and T.J. and was part of the trio.


Re: Let's Dance

Thanks again, Katie; just for knowing that.

Re: Let's Dance

Hi ,
from 1956 until 1959 there was a fellow pupil named Jim ? ( John ) Turley in my class at Lisburn Tech, from around Barrack St. could that be the same person?

Re: Let's Dance

I remember John Turley only very slightly, but, strange though it may seem, I also suddenly recall that his father was a committee member, or something like that, at the wee (Hibernian) Hall.
Another old character, who spent much time at the wee hall, and who introduced we boys to 'Billy's Weekly Liar', was a South of Ireland man called Michael Moran.

Re: Let's Dance

And speaking of dancing - though the men never do - I'm dancin' off to bed now. The grandchildren have given me a rest this evening, after the swimming pool and the tenpin bowling.
Goodnight, and may your god go with you.

Re: Let's Dance


Jim Turley, was John's younger brother.

John Turley Sen, was chairman of the Wee Hall, Mick Moran was married to an older generation McCaugherty, both dead.


Re: Let's Dance

Hi Katie .
I remember John Turley, sorry to hear of his passing , he used to play the guitar , and i think his father was a barber to trade . Did you remember Bobby Chambers , Verity Hodgens, Betty Allan , all ex Barrack St.

Regarding the Fiesta , i went on WED,SAT nights with my mates , and have the pleasure of recieving a prise from John Dosser for singing in a talent competition , and i still have it .Maybe i have had a dance or two with yourself . You must have been very keen , to queue for tickets , and go home to Lisburn and return to the dance .( Memories light the corners of my mind )
Take care .

Re: Re: Let's Dance

Hi all.
did John Turley have red hair that you were talking about and ride a big 250 or 350 motor bike.
He had a brother Desi Turley that played lead guitar.

Re: Let's Dance

Up before the children awake.
John, I don't think so.
Katie, I thought that Michael Moran was married to Liz Robinson?

Re: Let's Dance

Hi John,

The red head Turleys' were cousins of John's, Dessie
R.I.P.was a plumber and a good one,he put our oil heating in years and years ago, he also had a sister Eileen an Aer Lingus stewartess, she now lives in Dublin


Re: Let's Dance

Hi Tom,

Of course I knew, Bobby, Verity,Betty,we all lived in the same street, what about ur street, Sally Dowling, Edna Swain, Edna Scott,Teresa McCurry,
Nora O'Loughlin,
and Edna who lived facing ur house.

Tom u still must'nt remember me, for if u had u would have remembered dancing with meeeeeeeeeeeat st the Fiesta and I certainly don't remember getting a orange juice from uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


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