Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

Lisburn Exiles Forum
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Boys' School

Dabbler, hubby remembers your brother Robert, Ignatious Brown , Russell Bell and others. The teacher and the rest of the class knew Rucky had a bad stammer. The teacher would get Rucky out and make him read, to his embarrassment, which made him worse. Hubby doesn't think it affected him in later life, although he knows now it was cruel. Do you remember Seamus Reynolds (Shammy) He was another that Ned McKavanagh got laid into. Life can be cruel.

I remember we had a girl in school who had a stammer too. The teacher would get her out, make her read, and every time she stammered, she got a slap with the cane. I know they thought they were doing the right thing at that time and I can't blame them but thank goodness times have changed.

Re: Boys' School

Boys School,

Writing on behalf of sweetie,who won't come to this computer.

Ignatious Brown was hubby's chum for most of his younger years, then he joined the navy last time we saw him and his wife, for a drink was in the 70's. Ignatious Brown was goal keeper for the Boys School football team, here are some names of the team Tommy Donnelly, Mickey Mulholland, hubby, Arthur Lundy, Billy Kennedy (army boy), John Mcdermott, Eamonn O'Gorman, Maurice Magee, Michael Fitzsimmons,Tom Crossey. (teachers Declan Doherty, Brendan Fitzsimmons, Eddie McKavanagh
they won Lisburn Schools, Senior League and Senior Cup 1951-1952. Does anyone remember any of the lads?

Sweetie says Eddie McKavanagh, used to lift wee Seamus Reylonds by the lapels of his coat and wipe
most quiet boy he ever met and a quiet boy all his life.

Thank God those years are all done away with.


Re: Re: Boys' School

Hubby say that Maurice Magee finished up as a Schoolboys' International.

Re: Boys' School

Ann & Katie,
Sorry to spoil your boasts but Hilden School hammered The Boys school in the cup in 1950 and then lost most of the team to grammar/tech school higher education.
Maurice Magee captained the Boys team and a certain Low Roader the Hilden team who incidentally, went on to contest the semi - final of the NI schools cup a feat unmatched, at that time, by any other Lisburn school.
Jim McArdle scored in the cup final which was played at the ground of Lambeg Bleachers and Dyers at Greenhill.
I could name the whole team but will content myself with saying that two young ladies on this forum have reason to be proud of that team.

Re: Boys' School

Low Roader, I know that Maurice Magee was schoolboy inernational but who were the two that ladies on the Forum would be proud of? Spit it out. By the way, Maurice marrried a girl from Derry/Londonderry and has 2 girls, both go to Rathmore Grammar School with my grandson Mark and grandaugher Clare..

Maurice still lives in Roseville. His daughter doesn't live too far from Katie, God help her.

Re: Boys' School

Are there sisters ex - Low Road on the forum?

Re: Boys' School

Maurice played for NI schools the year after Henry (Tucker) Orr from Bap Row who was at the Tech when he was capped.

For some reason I do not remember or probably never knew, Marice was sent to the Boys even though he would have preferred Hilden where all his pals were.
Maurice, Tucker and yours truly all got our hair cut into a crew cut by Dermot Dornan. We were like three plucked chickens.

I could go on..........

Re: Boys' School

Gerald McDowell - anyone know him?

Re: Boys' School

another chum of
Of course we know Gerald McDowell, hubby,knew him very well he went to school with him although he was a few years older his wife died a lot of months ago, sweetie says Gerald's chums were Raymond McDonnell and Patsy Whipty,last he heard Gerald is in a wheel chair. His brother was married to a cousin of Ann's they lived in Florida, but Ann will put u right on that one.


Re: Re: Boys' School

LR, I certainly didn't know about my late brother's succss in ALL the sports in which he partook. I knew he was a great competitor in the discus and shot putt. He, like you, was a very caring person. That comes across in your contributions to the Forum. I think about him almost every day and have a son named afer him.

Re: Boys' School


Left out Eddie McKavanagh wiped the blackboard with Shammy Reylonds.

Dabbler, Sweetie says ur brother Robert R.I.P. was a very intellegent fellow, a great man at crosswords could have done any no matter what paper, he also says Maurice was the same and did indeed go back to education a little later as I am sure u know. We see Maurice and another brother now and again.


Re: Boys' School

I was referring to two sisters who should be proud of a brother.

Malachy played for Hilden School along with me.
He was one of those people, who, had he taken up tiddlywinks would have been good at it.

Re: Boys' School

I think Oliver O'Neill was a very bright lad. His brother, Laurence, would doubtles agree.

Re: Re: Boys' School

Yes, LR I agree with you. Malachy was a great brother. After all that Chardonnay on the deck, hubby and I are off to bed. Night night all. God Bless.

Re: Re: Boys' School

Gerald is living in Newcastle Co. Down, in an apartment overlooking the sea. His wife Muriel, died last year of a brain tumour. My brother Brendan's wife is Muriels sister. They live in the same retirement complex. I knew & worked with his brother Terry, who married Pat's cousin, May Lavery. All the brothers of Gerald are dead now in America but May is still living in Miami.

p.s. Don't know why he was nicknamed Plug Joe

Re: Re: Boys' School

Low Roader,
Malachy was a great friend as well as a great brother. I was married young so he & Joe were good mates. He called into our house coming from work every night & went on holidays with us every year. It was on the last holiday at Barley Cove, in West Cork, that he started to have an irritating cough. A year later he was gone. In photos of that time he looked the picture of fitness & health. None of us have ever recovered from the loss.

Re: Boys' School

I didn't know Joe but spent a lot of time in the company of Leonard and Malachy, particularly Malachy, as we were in the same class at the "best school in town".
You were truly blessed to have two such brothers, as I was.

Re: Re: Boys' School

On a lighter note, what about the two sisters???? Must say Good-night now, thinking back all those years makes me realise i am ancient. [Grandma) Nite /God bless to all

Re: Boys' School

Hubby says re. nicknames at school. His own was ham'n'eggs, Maurice Magee's was "ciggie", Terry Crossey was "bunny", Tom Rooney was "hopper", Jimmy Greenaway was "curley", Jimmy McMillan was "rimmel". One of the McGurnahan brother's nickname was "stinker". I wonder why?. another one was "stooge" .Eddie Hughes was "bootsie". Francey Gorman was "wee 90" What was Sweetie's nickname. I can't believe he didn't have one. Hubby says sweetie was older than him. They both have a nice head each of silver thatch.

Re: Re: Boys' School

Afternoon L/R
For what it's worth Paul Lenahan use to bring me and Maurice to school as you know he lived a few doors up from Paul I was a year or so older than Maurice maybe the familys were close or his father before him went to the boys I see one of his old mates was buried during the week Derek Dougan (The Duke)last time I was talking to Maurice he had said to me Derek had been home for George Bests funeral and had called with him, also he was telling me Paul had been home some time ago I was sorry I missed him I think he is in England he was a painter if my memory serves me right. Regards Ted

Re: Boys' School

Re: Boys School,

The silver thatched one, said, not hard to know his nickname, ask ur young hubby again. I always called him hansom, now I call him???????????? (only joking).

Sweetie says stop talking about school, he has too many happy memories and is near to tears! He got to do all the messages, up to Fitzie's house and got a drink and a biscuit.
Me thinks he was a teachers pet.


Re: Re: Boys' School

Hubby is in the garden, hidden in the bushes!! Will ask him later but at a guess I would say sweetie's nickname was Stewarty. He was very handsome.

Re: Boys' School

Re; Boys School,


Missed Harry McVeigh's name, we knew him as mousey, I remember his sister Mary very well, a very gentle girl.


Re: Re: Boys' School


Where did the mc Veighs Go??? Joe,

Re: Boys' School

sorry for the delay in replying.
I have been dining out.
Paul was a real character. We always reckoned he put more paint on himself than on the job given the state of his overalls.
He was a very accomplished Gaelic footballer and also played in goal for the ubiquitous "The Netters" a Grand Street team I never had the honour to play for.
Maurice played for the Whites for a long time but I seem to remember he went to Larne. The Doog would have been a colleague at Grosvenor.
I supported the Whites but was never good enough so settled for the Shore Road hatchet men.

Norman Pavis protected me from the big bad men.

Re: Re: Boys' School

L/R Good Evening, Well you learn a little every day I wasn't aware of Paul playing galeic I can't even remember a Galeic team in Lisburn then, I do remember him coming to England after me he worked with John Lyttle and my father painting around Luton @ Dunstable they were butchers how they got into painting is another story, the netters I slightly remember them I left home around 1954 so you were all coming into your prime then, you obviously had potenial as a player, I am trying hard to place you I will get there? You would have known the Mc Pollens then, I never made it at any sport but I knew a smashing bird from the Shore Rd (dont ask her name) I gave you Lulu's,Talking about the netters, About a month ago Tom my brother was in Lisburn and we took a walk down the line ( see photos) and we walked passed the netting it brought back memories of all the girls outside at lunch time and the slagging that went on across the Lagan innocent times, L/R would you have known any of the players in the Hilden School Team that Jim put in the school photo's on the site, L/R nice to shoot the breeze
Kind Regards Ted

Re: Boys' School

Katie, 'Mousey' is spot on.I don't remember his sister. I only remember him standing round by the pillars in Linenhall Street, against which we played handball. There used to be a wee toss near there, where Brendan and Vincie (Bummer) Mc Allister joined in, as well as a few older men. Not to be confused with the 'big' toss, down 'The Holla'. Linenhall Street, in those days, was a great place for a game of 'marleys'.

Re: Boys' School


Saw Brendan McAlister the other day, he is now in an electrical mobility chair, was a good bar man and a nice fellow, which I am sure he still is.

Next time I see him I will tell him about u.


Re: Boys' School

Hi Ted,
Re the school photo. The only person I know is Mr Woodend who was still headmaster when I got to Hilden. It is strange that the match should repeat itself all those years later..

Re: Paul
I am sure Paul played for a team somewhere in Belfast. He was a really nice bloke, just above my age but from an early age there were a large number of boys who played about together.
I remember the McPolins. They lived in the houses on the right just past Stratherne Place.
I can recall Gerald, Frankie and Jim and I think there was at least one girl.
The Netters had I recall a chequered existence but I can name a few names.
Paul (who played in goal), Davie McCormick, Reggie Stevenson, Trevor Norwood, Eddie Flynn, Eddie Bleakley (from Hilden), Laurence Rickard, Alan Anderson, Ned Gorman, the Phillips twins (Ronnie and Walter)
Do you remember Raymond Duffy who lived a couple of doors down from Paul. He was the son of Jack & Mary.
My career was cut short as gave up all sport in order to help run the Boys Club at the EMB (now there’s a clue).
I did play on but never seriously as, between studying, the boys club and coortin’ time was at a premium.

Re: Boys' School

I remember the Philips family, one Albert? died very tragically. On his lunch break in a garage in Belfast where he worked he was swinging from a cross beam or bar, fell, hit his head and died a short time later. I attended his funeral. Winston, another brother died also very young. He worked in Hilden mill in the dispatch office. The parents ran bus trips to Bangor or Newcastle every year, seats were very much in demand and us boys had to sit in the isle on planks set across two opposite seats

Re: Re: Boys' School

L/R You sure bring back memories I remember every one of the players mentioned, I also remember Ramond Duffy I think his father Jack played the dulsimere I remember him at parties in our house years ago, Regarding the EMB I did belong to it for a while we camped in newcastle use to have our meals in the strand remember climbing Sleve Donard and Andie Broady he ran a great club I remember names like Terry Kirkwood, Kingberry,Mc Crea,
Hunter Fisher, there's more, sometime's the memory lets me down the Mc Pollins there was two girls come to mind Kathleen and Veronaca,Regarding your self L/R would you have been close to Andy or am I still in the dark ?Anyhow thanks for the memories great to chat to you, How did we exsist before the Forum ?
Kindest Regards Ted

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