Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Pat's email about her brothers reading their Beano and Dandy comics reminded me about my own brothers when they would get them. When we came to Canada we used to get my younger brother Beano and Dandy Annuals at Christmas just so it felt like home.

I used to love to read my girls magazines, the Diana, Judy and Bunty. The Bunty had paper dolls on the back page and every week I couldn't wait to see all the new clothes. Sounds very lame comparing what children do today for entertainment.


Re: Comics

When I was young (long ago & far away) I was always with my brothers & their chums so I read all the comics, in r street different houses got different comics & we exchanged them, I started off with the Jingles very young. Loved Tiger & his friends, we were a family of readers,still r, then at school the nuns had a brilliant library & encouraged us to borrow books. My very all time favourite, the first one I really loved was The Wind in the Willows" I have never read it since in case I spoilt the magic. I went on next to Anne of Green Gables which is why I love Canada, then to Pollyanna series, What Katy did, all the classics. I am reading Patrick Kavanaghs autobiography at present, in bed. Pat

Re: Comics

Hi Thelma,

As the nickname "Beano" suggests I was a comic lover and swapped comics round our neighbour, that is how the nickname started. I was about eight years old when I started with the Radio Fun,Film Fun,Beano Dandy,Wizard,Adventure, Hotspur,Rover,Eagle and many more,if anyone wanted to swap I was the lad to do it.
By the way we have 44 annuals in the house,including, Bunty,Diana,Judy,Schoolfriend, Beano and Dandy. After we emigrated to Canada, my Mum would send them for my Daughter Karen and Son Stephen. Can't bear to throw them out.


Re: Comics

Hold on to those annuals, may be worth money in a few years time. Did you never get Rupert the Bear?, it was my favourite annual, I just loved Rupert and what he got up to.



There was a girlie magazine I cannot remember the name, although I got it every week, the back page was a page by a Jackie Collins, who was 17years, can you remember the name of the magazine, I think the girl
is the now famous bestseller (Jackie Collins).

Ps The Eagle was the boys and the girls was?


Re: Re: Comics

Hi Beano Just like to quote you these prices from one of the Sunday Papers Dandy No1 1937 current value £20350 Beano Book 1940 £1500--£4500 Eagle No1 £250--£850 makes one think what we let slip through your hands like your self I got great enjoyment out of them,
Kind Regards Ted

Re: Comics


I have a daughter who lives in Tipperary, so when down in Tip always make a trip to Cork, I love the city also went there in the forties with my mum as my brother was at college there.
When watching Cork and Kilkenny play hurley, can still hear a man in the pub we were in shouting "A Jesu its a gall"


Re: Re: Comics

Hi Pat and Beano,
I just love the Anne of Green Gables Movie and could watch it over and over. I also was a big fan of the Pollyanna books. Have you heard of Road to Avonlea? Beano maybe has. It was on in Canada every Sunday for years and we used to tape all the shows. If there was nothing on tv, then my children would watch the tapes we made. Nice stories with no sex or violence that didn't need to be previewed first.

Hi Katie,
Wasn't there a magazine called the Jackie. Would that be the one you are thinking of regarding Jackie Collins. I was more into Jackie Collins later on in my 30's. My sister and I used to read all those books with sex and scandal. We got past that period though and now I love Maeve Binchey. Wholesome stories about families and interesting characters to keep my interest.

Re: Comics


You got it in one, "Jackie" you have a good memory.

Did you every read Rupert the Bear?, I loved it got an annual every Christmas.


Re: Re: Comics

Laughed out loud at that one. Pat

Re: Re: Re: Comics

Yes, Thelma, love all the Avonlea books & tapes, nostalgic reading & watching. Joe tells me I live in a dream world. Great isn,t it, in this world but not of it, way to go? Pat

Re: Re: Comics

Katie et al, Rupert Bear was my favourite book too, as I mentioned a while back. I used to love the smell of a new annual. I also loved Anne of Green Gables, Avonlea books and have them and the tapes here. There was a series shown some years ago and I recorded and kept them.

I also loved the Heidi books and would read and re-read them, even when I was 15 or 16 years old. I also loved Girls Crystal, then Schoolfriend. Loved Winnie the Witch in the Beano, was it? Lord Snooty and Suck 'em and See. I always used to look at the background - you know, inside the houses - and thought how lovely and cosy they were. I loved and still do love reading a good book - if it's interesting, I can't put it down. You forget where you are, don't you?

Re: Re: Re: Comics

Katie and all,
I try to tell friends here that I grew up watching Rupert Bear and most just don't know who he is. They know Paddington.

Do you also remember a kids show from the 50's. It was a wooden family and they had a house with a door that opened top and bottom?

Re: Comics


Was it the Wodden Tops?

My computer was broken down for nearly 2 hours.


Re: Re: Comics

Katie, are you still awake? Re. the 50s TV shows, I told you I was a deprived child. We didn't get TV until the 60s. I thought of the Woodentops too.

Re: Re: Re: Comics

Hi Katie and Ann,
Yes it was the Woodentops. Wasn't that a great show!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Comics

Hi Thelma,
I used to watch the Woodentops, Andy Pandy & The Magic Roundabout too when the family were young. Would,nt have missed them every afternoon, the tapes can still b bought in Past Times. I got them for my first Canadian grandson when he visited years ago & he loved them too. Pat

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Comics

Hi Pat,
Thanks for reminding me about Andy Pandy! I enjoyed that one too.

Re: Comics

What about Bill and Ben, the Flowerpot Men.

Re: Comics

Ann, Thelma,Pat,

What about the School Around the Corner?
What window is it today square or round?


Re: Re: Comics

Katie, the School around the Corner was Frank Mitchell. Yes, I remember the round/square/rectangular window one too - can't remember what you called the programme. After all, these were for children, were they not??

Re: Re: Comics

Of the 50/60,s r we in our 2nd, childhood?


Re: Re: Re: Comics

Ann, Pat and Katie,
I remember Bill and Ben the flower pot men too but you've got me on the round/square/rectangular window show. I don't know what that is.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Comics

Thelma, not sure myself Could it have been Jackanory. All I remember is the presenter would say, "Now, which window shall we go through today?" It would be either the round window, square window or rectangular. Rang round to my daughter just now, who would remember, but she's out. Will find out for you and for myself as well. Little to do, eh. If you seen the state of this house. I'm closing down for now and getting the hoover out.

Re: Comics

Wasn,t there a female character with Bill and Ben called Weed?

Re: Re: Comics

Well, paint me purple and call me Barney. You're full of it Donald. Have a nice day.

Re: Re: Comics

You are right, Donald. I refuse to believe it was a female characer, though. All the weeds (except JD) are men.

Re: Comics

Ann, Thelma,

Been cleaning and ironing all morning,the programme
from NornI was "Romper Room", ur children would have watched it as mine did, remember now.(Miss Adrianne), her daughter was a Middle Eastern Journalist for ITV
Andrea Carrathwood. (Spelling maybe wrong).

What about "Tea Time with Tommy" sing along time.


Re: Comics

Katie, didn't know Andrea Catherwood was Miss Adrienne's daughter. Katie, you should have been a newspaper reporter, you know everything.

Re: Comics

Thelma, re the square/round/rectangular windows. Rang my daughter again and she said the programme was either Play Away or Playschool.

Re: Comics


It was "Romper Room" don't u remember it?

Ann we are NOT going to moan anymore about cleaning,
England covered in water and more rain to come.

Don't hit yourself in the face with the mop, I really prefer Grorge Clooney, he is Rosemary Clooney's nephew you know. I also am a avid reader, sweetie says anything with print and my nose is stuck in it.

I love getting the house to my self sometimes, but I love when sweetie comes back.

Over and out


Re: Comics

Katie, I worry about you sometimes. Of course I remember Romper Room, but that was the magic mirror and "I can see Mary, John, etc." The other programme involved going through a different window each day and wasn't a local programme. Think Hard.

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