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Re: Life Stories?

Good idea Ben, it is nice to see what everyone has been doing!
After graduation I went into the military. That did not last long because of a knee injury. I met my husband in 1996 and we married in 1998. We have four children; Zachary is 7, Jarrett is 5, McKenna is 3 and Ava Elise is 8 months. I stay at home with them and they keep me VERY busy. Sometimes way too busy!! My husband, Jeff is a Captain in the Air Force so we have moved around several times. Right now we live in Italy about an hour away from Venice. We have been here for almost three years, before Italy we spent 3 years near Fairbanks Alaska and this summer we are moving to Del Rio, Texas. We are pretty excited about Texas because we will be purchasing our first house there. I am looking forward to being back in the States so I can finally start on a degree, now that the kids are a bit older. I hope to be able to make it to the reunion, it would be great to see everyone again.

Re: Re: Life Stories?

It's great to be able to see what everyone has been doing since graduation. I went to school in Pitts. and became a Lab Tech, I worked at the Franklin Hosp. for about 4yrs. I also got married in May of 2000,to someone you might remember,Bill Womer. In 2001 we moved to Wilmington De were Bill works as a Account Manager at PFPC, and I work at Labcorp until we had our first child in 2002. We have two children now, William 3 and Samantha 1. Since having the children I quite my job and am a stay at home mom mostly, which is nice to be able to spend time with the kid. Well,that's about it. Hope to see everyone this summer.

Re: Life Stories?

Went to Pgh to attend PTI for 2yrs with Walt Slywczuk and Jim Snyder to get an associates degree in computer systems specialist. Lived on Mount Washington, which is an awesome place to live. Bars right up the street. South side not far away either. Worked at the local CoGo's, then quit to valet cars for the Marriott & SteelHead grill accross from the igloo. Best job ever!! After graduating in 98, moved back home and worked for a local computer consulting office in Franklin for quite a few years. Married in Jul 2001 to Tonya and had our first child, Alan, in Aug 2002. He had a rough start, got flown to Childrens in Pgh not even a day old. While down there, I got a call from Burns & Burns for a job offer in Clarion and took it. Bought a house last fall in Shippenville which has a nice back yard that I can practice chipping. We had been trying for a 2nd child for awhile and I guess it took a new place to make it work! So here we are. Much left out, to much to write, but hey, it's been 10 years!!

I hope all is well with everyone else!

Can't wait to chat with everyone in person.

Re: Life Stories?

Well lets see, if you haven't already read Walt Slywczuk or Eric Sterner's posting then you wouldn't know that the 3 of us moved to Pittsburgh together into an Apartment on mount Washington. We went to school at PTI were we got our Associates Degree in Computers.

I have been in Pittsburgh since July 1996 and haven't moved out of it since. I love the big city ammenities with the little city feel.

I Started working at a small company with about 50 employees and then worked for a company called McKesson Automation, which is a pharmacutical robotics and Nursing automation company. I did Field service work for about 2 1/2 years travelling the country. I have been in 38 states and have to say I loved the time I spent on the road but boy does it make you tired of airports! I then transferred into the I.T. department for 3 years and then found a new opportunity with a company by the name of Eaton Cutler Hammer where I am still in the I.T. department.

I have lived all over Pittsburgh except East of downtown and will say that each area has its own unique qualities, by far though I would say Mount Lebanon is the best little suburb you could live in.

I am not married and have no kids. Just spending my time enjoying life as it comes, and spending some great time with family and friends!

Re: Life Stories?

Hi Everyone, I also went to Penn State (WE ARE PENN STATE) but I graduated in 2000 with a degree in Environmental Resource Mgmt. After college I worked for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. Then in 2001 I got married to Shawn Miller, we had dated since high School, now we are living happily in West Virginia. I work out of our home as an Aquatic Biologist, part time. My full time job is being a mom to our very active 2 yr old son, Bryce. I enjoy teaching his swim classes and watching him learn and explore everything he can. I am very lucky to have an employer that accommodates my lifestyle, as a mom and clients that enjoy Bryce but trust that the work will get done in time.

Our families still live in the OC area so we visit a lot, so like Leigh I am very curious to see and hear the class of 1996 stories. My sister, Sandy, is a freshman at OCHS and it is interesting to see how much OCHS has changed but how much is still very much the same.

Re: Re: Life Stories?

I too started at Behrend and did not see a second year, started at Devry in Columbus OH for Business Information systems and then went into the Coast Guard in '99. Went to MI, VA, AK(went out into the Bearing Sea!), and now I am about to get out after 3 years here in Alexandria VA in the DC area as an electrician these last 6 years. I have also been bringing all my cars home to James to get them inspected-can't trust mechanics down here! Catch up more later.

Re: Re: Re: Life Stories?

Well, where to begin right! I didn't go to school or anything right out of high school. Just worked mostly. I got married almost 4 years ago (Anniversary is at the end of the month). My husband's name is Troy. He does heating and air conditioning, and is in the National Guard, but will be out here in the next couple of months. He was prior active duty NAVY for 10 years. We are currently in the process of opening our own business in the near future, which is a big accomplishment. We have a 4 year old daughter. Her name is Kaitlin Ellissa. I am a nurse and full time mom. I am not currently working though. It is really nice to be able to do that. Not sure if any more kids are in our future plans, someday maybe. We travel to North Carolina alot, which someday I hope to live down there. Glad to see that everyone has done well for themselves and that everyone is happy. I know I am!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Life Stories?

hello is my last 10 year story...I went to IUP for a couple years for computer programming..i drank a whole lot and didn't accomplish much...just a nice gpa that didn't let me nothing changed in the work force..yes i am still at mcdonald's(12 years)...actually i am a store manager now...i run the Franklin stop in and say hi...we are under major construction...gonna look nice when its all said and done with...but any who, i have been married now for 4 years, to Alicia(Hale) who works at State Farm(Roger Baker) in Seneca...we have a 4 year old son Noah...we bought a house in the suburbs of Oil City or Franklin(Reno). Can't wait to see everyone...Clay nice job on this site....

Re: Life Stories?

Hello to all! A quick update......I graduated from Clarion University in 2001 and got married to Jim Foley (graduated in 95 from OC) in 2001. We live in Jamestown, NY (for 5 years) and have two children, Caleb (4 years) and Emma (2 years) and a third one on the way in July. I am a stay at home mom and enjoy it a lot!

Re: Life Stories?

Hey everybody. I've already been in touch via email with Ben, but I saw how lots of people used this as an excuse to get in touch even further, and I LOVED hearing how everyone is doing!! First off, Clay, I hope you know how much people appreciate what you've been doing to get this reunion together. I can't speak for anyone else, but I know I am going to do everything I can to make sure my family makes it up to OC over Labor Day, but it's just so hard to make a solid committment this early...that really sucks for you, especially considering the $$ you've put into it, and I'm really sorry about that...

But as far as my "life story", well, where to begin? I graduated IUP in 2000 with a dual BA in Sociology and Criminology, then went into Active Duty Army as a Mental Health Counselor. I was in for 4 years and was stationed in different parts of the US, then Germany, Kuwait, and I did my 1 1/2 years in Iraq at the beginning of the war. I met and married my best friend Jessie while we were in Germany and we now have a beautiful 2 month old daughter named Liana Elaine..and I LOVE being a wife and mother!! I feel like I have the whole world under my roof. After getting out of the Army, we still traveled the world some (I don't recommend South Korea, ha ha), so I'm a stay at home mom for the moment, and I, like many of the other ladies who wrote, feel so blessed that we are in a position to allow me so much time with my joyful little girl. Right now we live in Temple, TX and I've gotten together with Lynn Johnson (now D'amato) who lives close by. Crazy huh!! We are moving to San Antonio this weekend (can't stay put, I tell ya!) and in the spring I plan to attend the University of Texas to earn my Masters and Doctorate.

Peggy Sue, I'd forgotten that we have sisters in the same grade!! And aren't you right, about how much OCHS has changed. Even just the things teens have to deal with now blows me away. I hope that all of Clay's considerable hard work (not to mention dough!) doesn't go to waste and lots of us can make it back to good ol' OC in September. I'm so glad to hear how well everyone is doing!!

Re: Life Stories?

Has it really been 10 years? Here's my update!!! I'm still single with no kids, but as much as the married women love being married with kids, I love being single and just working with kids. As Lisa said, maybe I'll be ready by our 25th. As for school, I started out at Thiel College but transferred to Duquesne where I earned my undergrad degree in psychology and rode on their equestrian team. Fortunately or unfortunately, I didn't have time to drink too much, but am trying to make up for it now!!! I went to grad school at Kent State for school psychology and moved to NC to complete my internship.

Last year I moved from a rural (relatively speaking) town outside of Winston-Salem, NC to Raleigh where I'm currently loving the night life and working in two elementary schools. However, its amazing how truly sheltered we were at OCHS. We have kids in gangs in both of my elementary school!!! It's really quite scary, but at least there's job security. Kids...I lied I do have three, but mine have four legs...I have an English Springer Spaniel,Bailey (4), and one of my horses in Raleigh, Elle (12). My other horse, Cometta, is in Deleware teaching little kids how to ride. Hope everyone else is doing well!!! Please continue to post updates now that I know this site exists.

Re: Life Stories?

I'm with everyone else, where did the time go? Well, I am happily married to my husband Chad, we have 2 daughters Sydney Aretta-Louise who is 8 1/2 and Gabrielle Suzanne who's 5. We are expecting a son in November. We bought a farm in Rockland about 4 years ago and are enjoying country life. Chad works as an electronics supervisor at Matric Limited in Tippery and I am a proud stay at home Mom. I spend my time going to Sydney's horse shows and getting Gabby ready for Kindergarten in the Fall. I'd love to catch with everyone, so drop me an email sometime!

Re: Re: Life Stories?


I was just thinking about you the other day. I saw a deed in the paper that had your dads name on it. So what is new since you posted your e mail over a year ago. Not much here just working doing group advocacy for people with disabilities. I cover all 6 coiunties in N.W.PA. I don't know if anybody told you but I broke my neck about 7 yrs ago and put me in a wheelchair. I still live here in the O.C. and occasionaly run into Leta. You are a topic of conversation every once in a while with he and I.Well I just wanted to drop you a line and say hello. I hope all is going well with you.

Matt Edwards
p.s. remember Ms. Pifers typing

Re: Life Stories?

I am now living in clumbus ohio with my wife of almost 3 years now. I work at the ohio state university medical center, I do cat scan there and my wife does xray we met in school in florida were we went to school. Other then that not too much has changed with me have a few more tattoos but that's about it well I will keep in touch here from time to time
