Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

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Re: The Boys - and the girls

Dabbler, not getting to the library to return my books, today I bought a magazine. Cost me £3.99. It was a good read, mind you, but now that I've read it, it's of no further use. Better with a good book. Might get to the library on Thursday Couldn't hold out to the cost of magazines but it was nice for a change.

Re: The Boys - and the girls

Ann, my post has thrice been rejected as spam. 'They' appear to object to me writing about my son having once featured in a woman mag as an eligible bachelor.

Re: The Boys - and the girls

Not a big lot Mauri more or less just a bit of banter and chat Dickie Dodds who lived just on the other corner of Millview from Nipsies was the local rapper upper in the mornings,i am sure you would have known him
people who lived in Millview then were the Coburns ,Grahams,McCaughertys ,old Billy Lappin,the Smiths you would have known the father of this family Billy he got (pro,)for a nickname he worked in the picture house, Cordeners, Woods,and Kennedys,there was one other family who i cannot now recall

how i fogot the duffys family, you all mind old Yellow duffy i am sure

Re: The Boys - and the girls

Dabbler, eligible no more I take it. That was a great boost to be chosen as an eligible bachelor. How long ago was that?

I didn't get up to the library today. Spent this wet day cleaning, polishing and cooking - in that order. Maybe tomorrow!!!!

Re: The Boys - and the girls

Ann, he has grown two children, a moustache and a beard since then.

Re: The Boys - and the girls

I wish you luck with a reunion, the last one in Lisburn in 2008 I think it was, only four (4) people showed up and one of those was Jim Collins and of course myself visiting from Canada

The couple of reunions held in Brampton Ontario Canada were more successful, and while I forget how many people attended there were quite a few including Pat and her daughter visiting from Ireland.

Don't get me wrong I think it would be great to have one provided it was organized properly with an indoor meeting place and sufficient notice given so that those of us who don't live in the UK and want to attend can make travel arrangements well in advance. Which reminds me I had better get my passport renewed????. Mauri

Re: The Boys - and the girls

Mauri work has been carried out on the square. I should say work is on going. At present there are three huge monuments depicting needles and thread. Good choice because of the town's connection with the linen industry. General Nicholson had to be moved to the spot you mentioned. We are supposed to get a water feature in the square too but will have to wait and see. Should have mentioned about Nicholson when I talked about the work being done but cannot remember everything.

Re: The Boys - and the girls

Dabbler, I don't know how to do the Youtube yet. the house on Hill street opposite Bradburys buildings was No 19 and Harry McVeigh lived there,he had a sister called Teresa and maybe an older sister but I cannot her name, she worked in the Picture house.
old age creeps up on us,I think you are a year older than me.

Re: The Boys - and the girls

Nice to hear from you Leo. To find ANYTHING, including Lisburn video, just search Google. I was 79 last month. I knew Mousey, but cannot really recall his sister. Do you remember the Herrons and McAllisters of Hill Street? Or Spences of Bradbury's Buildings?

Re: The Boys - and the girls

yes Dabbler I remember these names and a few more, the McAllisters lived at No 3 hill street,Vincent and Brendan. Brendan had a limp similar to Tommy Stafford. Paddy Murray lived at No5. John Herron lived at No9, his house was the first one in the street to get a tv us kids crowded round the window to watch the coronation.
the Spences of Bradburys Buildings,Bobby Jimmy Willy and Maisie. I read in a post about someone who had dived into the Lagan and went into a dead dog, there was a rumour that Mr Spence had done the same.
Also in Bradburys Buildings, the Kidds Edward Neville and Margaret,the Laverys Rosie and Sally. the Mc combs of Barrack lane, Robert Dennis Eric and Sally.
That will do for now, Im going to watch football on telly.

Re: The Boys - and the girls


Mary Mc Veigh was the older sister. I visited their house when we all went to the Convent School. I believe they came into Lisburn during the War or something. Pat

Re: The Boys - and the girls

George McComiskey - yes, I know you read it here years ago - but what a character. I stood with a few mates at JD Martin's corner, watching George approach, and join, the state-of-the-art Teddy Boysleaning against Tam Brown's pub window. What in the name of the holy father was that poor man thinking?
Dressed in the same ragged clothes he wore as he rode with his family round the town in their cart, George sidled up to the elegant group who eyed him suspiciously as he leaned back and placed his elbows on the window sill. I cannot remember what happened next, but was highly amused, but not very surprised, some time later, to learn that George had started to rebel, drinking, and apparently helping himself to a fry-up, and smashing the crockery into the coalhole, where he believed it would remain undiscovered. Icannot be certain of the final tale, as it was told by that raconteur, Cyril McCurry, but it seems that when the men in the white coats came to get him, George was dragged down the hill shouting, 'You can't take me; I'm George mccomiskey'

Re: The Boys - and the girls


Sally McComb had an older sister burnt to death when her clothing caught alight in front of the fireplace.

Re: The Boys - and the girls


Re: The Boys - and the girls

Barney, I used to assume that the Teds were tough guys; never gave it a thought that hob-nail boots Geordie, stepping in among them, might have been showing that he thought otherwise. The very thought, all these years later, makes me smile.

Re: The Boys - and the girls


Smiling makes the day & lifts our spirits, remembering is smiling time.


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