Lisburn Exiles Forum

(Site is no longer operational pending a major long overdue overhaul of the entire website. Thank you for your patience. Site should still be visible and searchable for old posts.)

The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

Lisburn Exiles Forum
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Re: Re: Re: Forum

Oh Ann!
Your really into it now babe.
Keep it up the banters great..

Re: Forum

Hi Jim ,
Beono (Billy), Ann ,Katie ,Liz,Sean,Sweettooth, Thelma,John , And others .
As i am just a blow in to the Exiles , i am gobsmacked to read Jim's sad letter , on his frustration on his part in dealing with disharmoney in the brillient Exiles Forum , which he has worked very hard , as he says himself to set up.It is like when we go into a shop to buy something , we do not realise the work behind the scenes.And also the money involved . I was introduced to the exiles by my good friend Billy (Beono)a while back , and as i am living in Glengormley i thought i would not be elligable to contribute .But on enquiring from Jim he very kindly invited me to come on board .As i love Lisburn i was hoping that i would maybe bring a little enjoyment to folk living further away in this world of ours , with some photographs of our beloved Lisburn ,and a few memories of the good old days.As others have said we do not have to read about what everyone is cooking , or what wee jimmy done at school , but this is in the melting pot of a forum , and it is like TV if not liked turn over the page .Jim i sincerely hope you do not throw in the towel and close down . I like others hope that these problems blow over , and you are left with a bit of contentment in your later years , and no more hassle , as the younger generation would say to anyone with a problem , (WISE UP) Sorry for rambling on . Looking forward to the DABBLERS comment's .
All good health Jim.

Regard's to all
PS To Katie & Ann i love cooking ,and food .

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Forum

Carolina, you're SO out of touch. Coronation Street is alive and well. It won Top Soap Award again this year. Apparently Her Majesty is an avid viewer. If it's good enough for the Queen, well, what can one say?

Re: Re: Forum

Hi Thomas, glad you like our cooking. I love food too. Regarding not being eligible because you live in Glengormley, we even have exiles who hail from Hillsborough, so there.

Only problem about NOT coming from Lisburn is that one may lack the local humour.

Re: Forum

Hi all

It seems I have stirred up a hornets nest, this is not what I set out to do but it has certainly got the forum going again. I know what it is like to live overseas with my 11 years in Canada (a long time ago) I just wish there had been something like it then as homesickness hits everybody.

Please keep up the postings as I enjoy reading them I get an email of every posting and have no intention stopping the forum. Everybody is welcome here as there is room for everybody just set up different threads.

Regards to all

PS I am in the process of setting up chat rooms but until I can control them as to foul language etc. I am unable to go live I dont think inappropriate language etc. are what you would like . I have some on trial, the link is at the bottom of the front page of the site or


Re: Forum

Thank you for taking the trouble to explain your position (BTW I do not think you needed to), the problem would appear not to be yours but some people/person who does not understand the work involved or the raisond'etre for the forum.
I hope you are spared to run this website for many more years and hope also we can get back to having a bit of fun and banter centred round Lisburn.

Re: Forum

Jim, I presume the complainants are emailing you. If I'm not interested in shopping and recipes, I just don't comment. You're doing a fine job; thanks!
It's like watching Big Brother, and being able to hop in and out at will, which suits me. Sorry, I know some of you are too intellectual to watch Big Brother!

Re: Forum

Thought, I would give u a personal thank you,glad u enjoy the Forum, I had a look at some of old postings and could not believe so few people participated.
I have a great memory (thank God), and was always good at History/Georgaphy and anything I said on this Forum, was always as I remembered when I was young.
Why make things up!

Thanks again


Re: Forum


Just read ur posting, and I looked up some old postings and noticed very few exiles participating way back.
I think I know u Warren Gardens, I knew u when u were young although u are older than me, I also met u at a party in ur cousins in Glenavy a few years back.


Re: Forum

spot on low roader I personally love to hear what the locals are getting up to around Lisburn it keeps me in touch with my roots and when I read what Ann has been up to during her day it makes me even more excited about coming home in Sept and going to the market etc.If any of the whingers are expats here in Australia my reply to them is they are on the wrong site.

Cheers Gordon

Re: Forum

Hi Gordan,

I am house bound to-day due to back injury from a few years ago, but just to say glad u enjoy the talk on the Forum, no doubt Ann will have a lot to tell when she comes back from the LISBURN market.

Keep loging on:


Re: Forum

Thanks Katie
I am looking forward to the craic.

Re: Re: Forum

Jim Please DO NOT close the forum. Through this I have made a few very close"friends" None of whom I have met personally. I was so happy when I discovered the site. I, as I am sure many other Exiles, depend on it for news.

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