Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

Lisburn Exiles Forum
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Re: Lisburn in the good old times

Lovely story.
I meant that I just wasn't sure if the people writing on here are really who they say they are, let alone talk about their REAL lives. I'm fairly bright, but can be very naive. For example, admitting that, on a site that MAY be read by anyone in the world.

Re: Lisburn in the good old times

Dabbler, don't worry, Rachel is VERY well looked after. No weirdo would get with an inch of her.

Re: Lisburn in the good old times

I am sure that is so.
But I actually meant I am naive in admitting that I am naive.

Re: Re: Lisburn in the good old times

Dabbler, I don't think you are a bit naive. Bit too long in London, maybe.

Re: Lisburn in the good old times

~Dabbler, do you remember when I said some months back that a poem that you had written about the lagan nearly broke my heart, and your response to that was you thought I was being sarcastic! Why don't you believe people? Did your mammy tell you porkies?


Re: Re: Lisburn in the good old times

Liz, as I said earlier, he's been in London too long, People in those big cities get sceptical, suppose they have to. We're still the innocents over here. (in a way).

Re: Lisburn in the good old times

Excuse me.
The words Woman and innocent are not compatible.

Re: Lisburn in the good old times

Hi all
What are porkies, after reading Katies reply yesterday here my first impression was it meant dirty jokes ( in German they say Schweinische Witze ), then after reading Liz's contribution I thought it meant lies ( we said fibs in the Lisburn of long ago )

Re: Lisburn in the good old times

Porkies is a posh word for lies, just like Ann saying she is a size 10 in bloomers.
She really means one leg.

Re: Lisburn in the good old times

Thank goodness
I thought I had offended someone with my joke about ladies panties then and now,who took a wrong meaning out of it. I meant the amount of material used to manufacture them , nothing else.

Re: Lisburn in the good old times

Donald, pork pies, rhyming slang for lies. So, porky pies = lies. Then it got shortened to porkies.

Low Roader - you have been stuck up in the highlands too long with all those sheep and heather - I think your mind's going. Haven't been to a cinema in 20 years - can't get over that.

There's a man goes about Lisburn wearing a kilt winter and summer, accompanied by his wife. I can just imagine you LR, swinging your kilt around, getting tickled with the long grass No wonder you're obsessed with bloomers. GO ON, wear a pair for goodness sake, it'll stop the itch.

Re: Lisburn in the good old times

Donald, Low Roader,

Why would anyone think of telling lies/porkies on this site, I would have thought everyone would be truthful.

Donald, yes porkies is another name for lies, I don't think u could offend anyone.


Re: Lisburn in the good old times

Must congratulate Rachel, on the award she received last year, she is a great young lady and I know u and hubby are very proud of her as r her parents.

Sometimes, like u I rush through the site, especially if I am busy, as u know we ladies r.

Well I was out in the garden this morning and what a beautiful morning it was, sorry to say it is not now,sweetie is away round to my sons to paint, so I think I will go down the Mall later.

I think I know who Margaret is, me thinks u would know her too.


Re: Lisburn in the good old times

I entered forums with trepidation, like a child. My sons both warned me that people on chats/forums would lie, would give wrong names, ages. The wife still thinks I am gullible, 'listening' to people, telling them 'my business', and 'believing any old rubbish'.
I think she is being rather harsh and cynical. I WANT to believe everybody. Beano most definitely 'talked' to me about people we both knew in the Island mill. On the other hand somebody wrote of playing in Bullicks Court, and I wonder what on Earth they were doing, coming there to play in the dirt, in an area not much bigger than my present back garden.

Re: Lisburn in the good old times


While waiting for ur sister and Rosaleen Whipty to come out, I and others played in the little bit of green in the front of the row of houses were u lived, we did'nt have much to play with just skipping and falling over the old stones that were there and only bits of grass. I can assure u it was very hard to push a pram up to ur houses as I remember, doing so on many occasion.

Dabbler, why do u not believe people, remember one had to make up ones own play on the streets and wherever, no playstations or TV then.


Re: Lisburn in the good old times

You're right! Many a time I was shot by an Indian, or Wikd Bill Hickock.

Re: Re: Lisburn in the good old times

Katie would u like to go to Saxone for another pair of shoes I am still in the land of the living and the shoes have come down a bit on the heel like my comfort now

love wilma

Re: Lisburn in the good old times

Hi Wilma,

Do u remember that Saturday, the black and white shoes I think they cost £2.90, could'nt run so fast now in 31/2" heels, heard all about ur big petticoat and the stockings falling down. Great days then
Great days then.
Glad ur still in the land of the
living can still see ur face, always laughing.

God Bless


Re: Lisburn in the good old times

Reading here about kilts reminds me of a Lowroad man, Terry Kingan who lived in the new houses beside the 41s joining a scotch regiment and coming home on leave wearing his kilt. It caused quite a stir in those days.

Re: Lisburn in the good old times

Donald, remember Terry Kinghan very well. He lived just round the corner from our house. I always remember him in his kilt too, playing away at the bagpipes in his garden. Still see him and his wife around Lisburn. Nice fella.

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