Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

Lisburn Exiles Forum
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Re: Comics

By the way, what happens when sweetie comes back? You can have George Clooney any time. My second favourite after the Johnny is John Travolta. Imagine having a dance with him and then jetting off in his private plane to Paris for lunch or dinner.

I think I'm going quiety mad!!!

Re: Comics

The round window etc was from Play School. Do you remember the biggest spotty dog in the world? And Torchy the Battery Boy?

Re: Comics

Thank you Hilary for Play School. Some of you will remember The Lone Ranger & Tonto, "Little House on the Prarie", Laramie, Bronco Lane, Wagon Train. My favourite one then, on a Sunday night, was Dr Finlay's Casebook. My eldest son remembers being put to bed before "The Avengers" came on. Daring stuff, eh. The all time most viewed programme then I think was - well, there were two. Peyton Place was one, it was some years earlier, and the other was Dallas. Never seem to get good oul programmes like those nowadays.

Re: Re: Comics

I think you've already gone but not quietly.

Re: Re: Comics

I loved T/time with Tommy, once he played a request for me "Forgotten Dreams" How true it was!!!! That is until now & the Forum. Pat

Re: Comics

Pat, I'll never go quietly. Remeber Dylan Thomas' poem. "Do not go gentle in that goodnight - fight, fight against the dying of the light". That's me, will fight to the end, mad or sane.

Re: Comics

Do not go gentle INTO that goodnight. This computer is very sensitive and if you move a muscle, it deletes things.

Re: Comics

I think my all time favourite show was.......wait for it ......THE PERRY COMO SHOW. One night when I was about 15, the television went on the blink just as the show came on, and I sat there ready to see him. I was so disappointed I burst into tears and felt the end of the world had come. My mother was not sympathetic. She scowled at me, and announced "I think you are in love with him!" And I think she was right!


Re: Re: Comics

And what about Bonanza and Rawhide? I loved Little Joe and I don't care if Clint Eastwood is old enough to be my daddy, he's still very attractive.

Re: Comics

I loved the Perry Como and the Andy Williams shows, especially the Christmas ones, do u remember a singer called Vicky Carr, she used to have a show also, I loved her singing These shows were great non like them now.
I loved the I Love Lucy show, it was so simple but funny.

What about Dean Martin,Sammy Davis and of course Old Blue Eyes Frankie and Bobby Darren they don't make them like that anymore.
They all could get up and sing, just with a mike no machines then.

Spice Girls back made their tracks individualy, it is all done by machines can't stand them, money for old rope.

You have good taste in music like me.


Re: Comics

Liz, glad you're back. I thought the pastor had read about the Bridget Jones' what-nots and you were still trying to revive him.

My mother loved Val Doonican but was raging mad when he was surrounded with chorus girls, who were part of the show. She used to say, "Look at those girls, trying to get round him and him happily married".

Yes, Clint Eastwood was good-looking right enough in Rawhide. I love Bonanza too.

Re: Comics

Talking of the Spice Girls, did anyone notice Victoria Beckham's you know what's last night. And she said she didn't have a boob job!!!

Re: Comics

Ann & Liz,

We have lost our bicycle pump, do u think Victoria has it, does she every look in the mirror before she goes out or what her children think?


Re: Comics

They're all on a different planet. (except Johnny).

Re: Comics

Ann and all

This is great fun. The pastor isn't easily shocked, remember he is married to me! He is too busy to listen into our nonsense. Mind you, I have to do all the decorating, gardening, washing, ironing, shopping, cleaning, cooking as well. LR will love t
his and think I am great, is that right LR?

Call me Cinderella

Re: Re: Comics

Cinderella had it made, she DID go to the Ball. Still Waiting with my broom for Prince Charming. If he does,nt hurry up it will b too late for dancing & the shoe may not fit, I have been too long in slippers. Pat

Re: Comics

I have only intervened in this load of rubbish to make the point that the standard of discussion being generated by you lot proves my point conclusively.


What with Cinders joining the kitchen kween and Pat and Katie obviously a couple of broomstick drivers we superior beings will have to reassert our authority.

BJ's bloomers look very like the pair of panteloons that eejit JD wears in his pirate pictures.

Re: Re: Comics


Take the floor. Pat

Re: Comics

Who said men were the weaker sex?

The female is a domestic animal which, if treated with firmness, can be trained to do most things.

(with apologies to Jilly Cooper)

RLR off to

Good night and God Bless

Re: Re: Comics

Some animals r untrainable. They have a mind of their own & prefer FREEDOM Pat

Re: Re: Comics

Low Roader, you're back in my good books again. You have actually gone and watched Johnny, well you know about his pantaloons so I assume you have. Isn't he gorgeous in them. Subconsciously that's why I have bought the BJ's ones - matching pairs.

Re: Comics

Sorry to disappoint you but I have never seen poncey johnny film (in fact I have not been to the cinema in over 20 years).
All PJD films should carry a health warning.

"To be avoided at all costs"

Re: Re: Comics

LR, I'm ashamed of you. Haven't been to the cinema in 20 years - why not? Well, you must have had a good scrutiny at JD when you mentioned his pantaloons - AND I DON'T BLAME YOU. Had to change his 3 calendars this morning - every month he gets more scrumptious. Can't say the word I really mean. You're only jealous, but you needn't be. My memory of you is scrumptious too - there now, there.

Re: Comics


I have been trying for nigh on fifty years to train one of your kind and to tell the truth it has been an abject failure.
I know who wears the trousers in our house and I NEVER argue with her.

With regards to Mr Ponce, I can assure you that I do not have to go looking for him as his smarmy gub appears all over the place.

For your further eddification I have just finished reading a book called "Belfast:Segregation, Violence and the City" and it has come very close to making me go and see PJD, just so I can laugh.

DO NOT buy this book or try to read it. It is the most mind numbing piece of literature I have read in a long time - and worse still I paid £20 for it.

There's no fool like an oul fool.

Re: Re: Comics

LR you're no fool, believe me. You only PRETEND your better half wears the trousers, same as all the men. But we can see through you all.

Take it easy about Johnny. I don't want you to take apoplexy. You're my second favourite, well third, after John Travolta, especially as you can't even dance. Haave you any other attributes that would make you a close second?

Re: Comics

Low Roader,

O! ur poor wife, I hope u don't have a leash on her,tell her to get the book "Toyboy Diaries", she may enjoy it,
and become superior to u.

Hope the weather is good with u .


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