Lisburn Exiles Forum

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The Lisburn Exiles Forum is dedicated to the memory of James Goddard Collins (The Boss) who single-handedly built LISBURN.COM (with a lot of help from many contributors) from 1996 to 29th November 2012. This website was his passion and helping people with a common interest in the City of Lisburn around the world is his lasting legacy.

Lisburn Exiles Forum
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Re: Re: Personal & Exciting Stories from the Past.

Hi Ann,
Am not into the great tunes like Oklahoma etc. but always did love the theme song from a Summer Place absolute magic.
I always did like rock but as the years have gone by l now have turned to good country music, mellowed a bit i guess..Slade, The who and Journey are my favorites in rock.. I'd say journey is the best rock band on the planet playing today. Real power but magic.
Bye for now.

Re: Personal & Exciting Stories from the Past.

John, as I say, my tastes in music are varied. I used to absolutely love Queen (Freddie Mercury was a dream) God bless him. When he died, I sat that whole day and night and watched all about his life. What a waste of talent. I loved Slade as well. Katie's husband used to do a great impersonation of Mick Jagger.

Re: Personal & Exciting Stories from the Past.

John & Ann,
Was'nt going on the Forum to-day, as grandchildren on it on something else, they have gone to a cousins for a while, so I had a wee nosey in.

Thanks Ann, Mick Jagger, he would have needed botox.
Thought I would' nt get a laugh to-day, life goes on, does'nt. "Is'nt everyone very quiet".


Re: Re: Personal & Exciting Stories from the Past.

Hi Ann & Katie
Loved Queen have got all of their DVD's absolute magic.
Freddie is sadly missed but lives in the music.

Would have loved to of heard Katies hubby doing the Jagger would have been good.

Re: Re: Re: Personal & Exciting Stories from the Past.- LISBURN FOREVER

Yes Beano it was an experience, one i won't for get in a hurry.
But what amazes me was the comradeship of all the youg ones in Lisburn at the time, it was unreal to see it.
Didn't matter about race or creed we were all from Lisburn and as the saying goes on still today.

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